web3privacy/Roadmap 2023.md

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**Here's a list of tasks I want to do next year related to the Web3 privacy industry**
# 2023 roadmap backlog
- Create human-centric user-flows from Web2 to Web3 privacy solutions
- Provide non-web3 people with practical guides how to empower privacy with the web3
- Build Web3 privacy general wiki (for the general public)
- Create web3 rights workshop / master-class
- Create a privacy scoring model for self-defence
- Adapt Pagency framework for hackathons
- Build a privacy-enhancing use-cases database (based on the Web3privacy now database)
- Deliver pitch deck template for hackers
- Create a privacy scoring model for checking privacy-preservation level for PEDApps
- Make The State of Privacy research (based on interviews with market actors)
- Deliver extensive The State of Privacy report
- Facilitate Security-culture within web3-solutions assessment (research article)
- Build breaches & vulnerabilities in the privacy solutions database
- Create a Web3 privacy workshop model
- Make a career in privacy intro (research + article)
- Create industry vocabulary
- Add advanced scoring to the Web3privacy now database
- Launch privacy-centric podcast/dedicated media
- Collaborate with foundations, protocols, dApps: grant-based research, educational courses, frameworks
- Collaborate with hackathons: facilitate Pagency for hackers
- Report The State of Privacy x industrial media
- Find tech partner to facilitate accurate tech reports & content
- Collaborate with conferences to curate privacy-centric panels & workshops
- Find a sustainable business-model (grants, fees, donations)
_Enjoy everything!_