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Web3privacynow - ranking platform to analyze and monitor privacy-preserving blockchain protocols and DeFi projects.

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Privacy is a top priority in the web3 & essential human right. The Web3privacy now would create a scoring mechanism (both professional & communal) for the privacy projects assessment & will help people to raise their privacy literacy.

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Tangible goal: 1M people empowered with the latest web3 privacy stack.

Platform features

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  • Scoring mechanism Unique scoring mechanism researched & build with the help of privacy experts from Ethereum Foundation to NYM would help to raise maturity of the privacy services. Moreover, it will protect users from bad actors.

In parallel, communal scoring will be applied (think of Metacritic exters + users scorings), so community could become a watchdogs of the industry, signalling about flaws within solutions (like Secret Network's recent critical bug).

Crucial approach: professional scoring would be R&D with the key web3 people from protocol architects to security specialists. This will help to create unbiased take & make scoring discussions & approach transparent via forum.

References: www.l2beat.com + www.certik.com + https://www.metacritic.com/about-metascores

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  • Privacy services database The biggest privacy services database with the latest R&D tracks from Privacy & Scaling explorations to Chainsafe proposals. Highly helpful to everyone exploring & researching cutting-edge of the privacy stack (including builders & hackathon-enablers).

We have it already here: https://github.com/Msiusko/web3privacy

Privacy guides. Extensive privacy guides covering broad audiences from Iranian human rights activists to Ukrainian people living on occupied territories.

Practical guides will match

  • existing privacy solutions from Sismo to NYM with privacy-personas (NGOs, anon donors, activists).
  • non-tech people with accessible privacy solutions
  • tech-people with advanced privacy solutions & practices

How the future would look alike for the Web3privacy now

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  • Privacy hub. It will become the leading website empowering people with the latest data around web3 privacy.
  • Privacy education. Extensive wiki about privacy, web3 privacy services literacy. Guides from the experts.
  • Privacy advocacy. We will promote privacy, also normalising it's perception within society, investors, developers & web2 actors. In general, they will raise privacy literacy.

So what's next

  1. Grant: for the initial project research & MVP delivery (scoring mechanism principles, MPV scope, team structures, basic project management tools subs).
  2. Dev scope: stack + scope of work + dev team
  3. MVP: definition + timing + KPIs
  4. GitHub transparency: all repos, all roadmaps, public team members, scoring principles etc.



  • Research track: scoring model v 1.0 + expert validation
  • Product track: basic functionality mapping (incl. UX/UI research), copywriting, basic brand design system, scoring model applicability to all existing privacy-preserving web3 projects (300+ projects).
  • Tech delivery track: v 1.0 website (minimum functionality for testing), QA, bug fixing
  • Community marketing: socials registration, basic content.

Note: governance model - in consideration

Beta The next product release will include communal feddback (voting for the projects, writing user-feedback etc).


Time-to-MVP > 3 months


  • Scoring modeling: 3 weeks+
  • Product management (UX, copy, scoring aplicability, design): 1 month
  • Web-development + testing: 1 month

In a nutshell: working website + public scoring model.



  • MVP-management: core project manager
  • Research track: 1x researcher
  • Product track: 1x UX/UI advisor, 1x copywriter, 1x designer, 1x project manager
  • Tech delivery track: 1 full-stack+
  • Community marketing: project-manager (from above)

Total: 6 people + advisors

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Where we are now

  1. Searching for grants.
  2. Assembling the team.
  3. Defying scope of work.

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