
140 řádky
4.2 KiB

import { emptyDir } from 'https://deno.land/std@0.119.0/fs/mod.ts'
import { copy } from 'https://deno.land/std@0.119.0/fs/copy.ts'
import { load } from 'https://deno.land/x/js_yaml_port/js-yaml.js'
const baseUrl = 'https://spec.utxo.cz'
const banner = `
export class UTXOEngine {
constructor (options = {}) {
this.options = options
this.srcDir = this.options.srcDir || './spec'
if (!this.options.silent) {
async init () {
this.entries = {}
for await (const f of Deno.readDir(this.srcDir)) {
if (!f.name.match(/^\d+$/)) {
const specDir = [this.srcDir, f.name].join('/')
const entry = this.entries[f.name] = {}
// load index
entry.index = await this._yamlLoad([specDir, 'index.yaml'].join('/'))
// load sub-specs
entry.specs = {}
for (const sp of entry.index.specDef) {
entry.specs[sp.type] = await this._yamlLoad([specDir, `${sp.type}.yaml`].join('/'))
if (!this.options.silent) {
console.log(`UTXO entries: [ ${Object.keys(this.entries).join(', ')} ]\n`)
entriesList () {
return Object.keys(this.entries)
async build (outputDir) {
await emptyDir(outputDir)
const entriesIndex = []
for (const entryId of Object.keys(this.entries)) {
if (!this.options.silent) {
console.log(`UTXO.${entryId}: building specs ..`)
const entry = this.entries[entryId]
const entryDir = [outputDir, entryId].join('/')
await emptyDir(entryDir)
// write sub-specs
const specEndpoints = {}
for (const specName of Object.keys(entry.specs)) {
await this._jsonWrite([entryDir, `${specName}.json`], entry.specs[specName])
specEndpoints[specName] = `${baseUrl}/${entryId}/${specName}.json`
// write index
const index = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(entry.index))
delete index.specDef
index.spec = specEndpoints
index.stats = {
tracks: entry.specs.tracks.length,
speakers: entry.specs.speakers.length,
events: entry.specs.events.length
await this._jsonWrite([entryDir, 'index.json'], index)
// write bundle
const bundle = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(index))
bundle.spec = entry.specs
await this._jsonWrite([entryDir, 'bundle.json'], bundle)
// copy photos
const outputPhotosDir = [entryDir, 'photos'].join('/')
if (!this.options.silent) {
console.log(`UTXO.${entryId}: copying photos ..`)
console.log(`copying photos to ${outputPhotosDir}`)
await copy([this.srcDir, entryId, 'photos'].join('/'), outputPhotosDir, { overwrite: true })
id: `utxo${entryId}`,
url: `${baseUrl}/${entryId}`
// write global index
await this._jsonWrite([outputDir, 'index.json'], entriesIndex)
if (!this.options.silent) {
console.log('\nBuild done')
async schemas () {
const schemaDir = './utils/schema'
const arr = []
for await (const f of Deno.readDir(schemaDir)) {
const m = f.name.match(/^(.+)\.yaml$/)
if (!m) {
arr.push({ name: m[1], schema: await this._yamlLoad([schemaDir, f.name].join('/')) })
return arr
async _yamlLoad (fn) {
return load(await Deno.readTextFile(fn))
async _jsonWrite (fn, data) {
if (Array.isArray(fn)) {
fn = fn.join('/')
await Deno.writeTextFile(fn, JSON.stringify(data, null, 2))
if (!this.options.silent) {
console.log(`${fn} writed`)
return true