
146 řádky
4.4 KiB

import { assertEquals } from "https://deno.land/std@0.119.0/testing/asserts.ts";
import { UTXOEngine } from "./engine.js";
// initialize ajv JSON Schema validator
import Ajv from "https://esm.sh/ajv@8.8.1?pin=v58";
import addFormats from "https://esm.sh/ajv-formats@2.1.1";
const ajv = new Ajv();
const utxo = new UTXOEngine({ silent: true });
await utxo.init();
const schemas = await utxo.schemas();
const validators = {};
for (const item of schemas) {
validators[item.name] = ajv.compile(item.schema);
// check entries
for (const entryId of utxo.entriesList()) {
const entry = utxo.entries[entryId];
// check index
Deno.test(`UTXO.${entryId}: index[schema]`, () => {
if (!validators.index(entry.index)) {
throw validators.index.errors;
// check specific specs
for (const specId of Object.keys(entry.specs)) {
Deno.test(`UTXO.${entryId}: ${specId}[schema]`, () => {
if (!validators[specId]) {
return null;
if (!validators[specId](entry.specs[specId])) {
throw validators[specId].errors;
if (!["team"].includes(specId)) {
Deno.test(`UTXO.${entryId}: ${specId}[id-duplicates]`, () => {
const used = [];
for (const item of entry.specs[specId]) {
if (!item.id) {
return null;
if (used.includes(item.id)) {
throw `Duplicate key: ${item.id}`;
if (["speakers", "projects"].includes(specId)) {
Deno.test(`UTXO.${entryId}: ${specId}[tracks-links]`, () => {
const tracks = entry.specs.tracks.map((t) => t.id);
for (const item of entry.specs[specId]) {
if (!item.tracks) {
for (const t of item.tracks) {
if (!tracks.includes(t)) {
throw new Error(`Track not exists: ${t}`);
if (["events"].includes(specId)) {
Deno.test(`UTXO.${entryId}: ${specId}[speakers-links]`, () => {
const speakers = entry.specs.speakers.map((t) => t.id);
for (const item of entry.specs[specId]) {
if (!item.speakers || item.speakers.length === 0) {
for (const t of item.speakers) {
if (!speakers.includes(t)) {
throw new Error(`Speaker not exists: ${t}`);
if (["team"].includes(specId)) {
Deno.test(`UTXO.${entryId}: ${specId}[persons-links]`, () => {
const persons = Object.keys(entry.specs.team.persons);
for (const teamId of Object.keys(entry.specs[specId].teams)) {
const team = entry.specs[specId].teams[teamId];
if (
team.parent &&
) {
throw new Error(`Parent not found: ${team.parent}`);
if (team.lead && !persons.includes(team.lead)) {
throw new Error(`Lead not found: ${team.lead}`);
if (!team.members || team.members.length === 0) {
for (const m of team.members) {
if (!persons.includes(m)) {
throw new Error(`Person not exists: ${m}`);
if (["events"].includes(specId)) {
Deno.test(`UTXO.${entryId}: ${specId}[speakers-tracks]`, () => {
const tracks = entry.specs.tracks.map((t) => t.id);
for (const item of entry.specs[specId]) {
if (!item.track) {
if (!tracks.includes(item.track)) {
throw new Error(`Track not exists: ${item.track}`);
if (["events"].includes(specId)) {
Deno.test(`UTXO.${entryId}: ${specId}[fixed-stages]`, () => {
const stages = entry.specs.stages.map((s) => s.id);
for (const item of entry.specs[specId]) {
if (item.fixed && item.fixed.stage) {
if (!stages.includes(item.fixed.stage)) {
throw new Error(`Stage not exists: ${item.fixed.stage}`);
if (item.fixed && item.fixed.stages) {
for (const st of item.fixed.stages) {
if (!stages.includes(st)) {
throw new Error(`Stage not exists: ${st}`);