# Hardware ![alt text](https://github.com/Msiusko/web3privacy/blob/main/static-assets/Hardware.png?raw=true) - [Deeper Network](https://www.deeper.network) - Web 3.0 infrastructure of the users, by the users, for the users. - [Motherbored](https://store.motherbored.limited) - #dVPN hardware (node + SM card) ([GitHub](https://github.com/boringprotocol/motherbored)) - [RoninDojo Tanto](https://samouraiwallet.com/ronin) - Fully validating Bitcoin full node. Served over a Tor hidden service. - [DappNode](https://dappnode.io/) - Easy to use hardware and software solution for running Ethereum and other kind of nodes, staking, IPFS, etc. - [Avado](https://www.mysterium.network/avado) - A plug-and-play hardware device that connects users to many different kinds of blockchains. Their node-running software makes it easy and efficient for users to help power multiple networks at once, and earn crypto in the process ([GitHub](https://github.com/mysteriumnetwork/AVADO-DNP-Mysterium-Server)) - [Foundation](https://foundationdevices.com) - The new standard for Bitcoin self custody. Introducing Passport hardware wallet and Envoy mobile app ([GitHub](https://github.com/Foundation-Devices)) - [Privacy Infrastructure Solutions](https://www.chain-reaction.io) - Cloud and data center acceleration solution for Privacy Enhancing Technologies. - [AXIAtel](https://axiatel.co) - a privacy first mobile service for everyone