[book] authors = [] language = "en" multilingual = false src = "src" title = "web3privacy" description = "a think tank dedicated to research & education within privacy x Web3 industry" [output.html] git-repository-url = "https://github.com/web3privacy/web3privacy" git-repository-icon = "fa-github" edit-url-template = "https://github.com/web3privacy/web3privacy/edit/main/{path}" default-theme = "light" preferred-dark-theme = "navy" site-url = "/web/" [output.html.search] enable = true # enables the search feature limit-results = 30 # maximum number of search results teaser-word-count = 30 # number of words used for a search result teaser use-boolean-and = true # multiple search terms must all match boost-title = 2 # ranking boost factor for matches in headers boost-hierarchy = 1 # ranking boost factor for matches in page names boost-paragraph = 1 # ranking boost factor for matches in text expand = true # partial words will match longer terms heading-split-level = 3 # link results to heading levels copy-js = true # include Javascript code for search