import { S as SvelteComponent, i as init, s as safe_not_equal, a as space, e as empty, c as claim_space, b as insert_hydration, g as group_outros, t as transition_out, d as check_outros, f as transition_in, h as detach, j as afterUpdate, o as onMount, k as element, l as claim_element, m as children, n as attr, p as set_style, q as text, r as claim_text, u as set_data, v as binding_callbacks, w as construct_svelte_component, x as create_component, y as claim_component, z as mount_component, A as destroy_component, B as tick } from "./chunks/index-2a025a89.js"; import { S as SCROLL_KEY, a as SNAPSHOT_KEY, I as INDEX_KEY, g as get_base_uri, f as find_anchor, b as get_link_info, c as get_router_options, s as stores, i as is_external_url, d as scroll_state, e as base, P as PRELOAD_PRIORITIES, h as init$1, j as set_assets, k as set_version } from "./chunks/singletons-286ffebd.js"; import { _ as __vitePreload } from "./chunks/preload-helper-f8376bb0.js"; function normalize_path(path, trailing_slash) { if (path === "/" || trailing_slash === "ignore") return path; if (trailing_slash === "never") { return path.endsWith("/") ? path.slice(0, -1) : path; } else if (trailing_slash === "always" && !path.endsWith("/")) { return path + "/"; } return path; } function decode_pathname(pathname) { return pathname.split("%25").map(decodeURI).join("%25"); } function decode_params(params) { for (const key in params) { params[key] = decodeURIComponent(params[key]); } return params; } const tracked_url_properties = ["href", "pathname", "search", "searchParams", "toString", "toJSON"]; function make_trackable(url, callback) { const tracked = new URL(url); for (const property of tracked_url_properties) { let value = tracked[property]; Object.defineProperty(tracked, property, { get() { callback(); return value; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); } disable_hash(tracked); return tracked; } function disable_hash(url) { Object.defineProperty(url, "hash", { get() { throw new Error( "Cannot access event.url.hash. Consider using `$page.url.hash` inside a component instead" ); } }); } const DATA_SUFFIX = "/__data.json"; function add_data_suffix(pathname) { return pathname.replace(/\/$/, "") + DATA_SUFFIX; } function get(key) { try { return JSON.parse(sessionStorage[key]); } catch { } } function set(key, value) { const json = JSON.stringify(value); try { sessionStorage[key] = json; } catch { } } function hash(...values) { let hash2 = 5381; for (const value of values) { if (typeof value === "string") { let i = value.length; while (i) hash2 = hash2 * 33 ^ value.charCodeAt(--i); } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(value)) { const buffer = new Uint8Array(value.buffer, value.byteOffset, value.byteLength); let i = buffer.length; while (i) hash2 = hash2 * 33 ^ buffer[--i]; } else { throw new TypeError("value must be a string or TypedArray"); } } return (hash2 >>> 0).toString(36); } const native_fetch = window.fetch; { window.fetch = (input, init2) => { const method = input instanceof Request ? input.method : (init2 == null ? void 0 : init2.method) || "GET"; if (method !== "GET") { cache.delete(build_selector(input)); } return native_fetch(input, init2); }; } const cache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); function initial_fetch(resource, opts) { const selector = build_selector(resource, opts); const script = document.querySelector(selector); if (script == null ? void 0 : script.textContent) { const { body, ...init2 } = JSON.parse(script.textContent); const ttl = script.getAttribute("data-ttl"); if (ttl) cache.set(selector, { body, init: init2, ttl: 1e3 * Number(ttl) }); return Promise.resolve(new Response(body, init2)); } return native_fetch(resource, opts); } function subsequent_fetch(resource, resolved, opts) { if (cache.size > 0) { const selector = build_selector(resource, opts); const cached = cache.get(selector); if (cached) { if ( < cached.ttl && ["default", "force-cache", "only-if-cached", void 0].includes(opts == null ? void 0 : opts.cache)) { return new Response(cached.body, cached.init); } cache.delete(selector); } } return native_fetch(resolved, opts); } function build_selector(resource, opts) { const url = JSON.stringify(resource instanceof Request ? resource.url : resource); let selector = `script[data-sveltekit-fetched][data-url=${url}]`; if ((opts == null ? void 0 : opts.headers) || (opts == null ? void 0 : opts.body)) { const values = []; if (opts.headers) { values.push([ Headers(opts.headers)].join(",")); } if (opts.body && (typeof opts.body === "string" || ArrayBuffer.isView(opts.body))) { values.push(opts.body); } selector += `[data-hash="${hash(...values)}"]`; } return selector; } const param_pattern = /^(\[)?(\.\.\.)?(\w+)(?:=(\w+))?(\])?$/; function parse_route_id(id) { const params = []; const pattern = id === "/" ? /^\/$/ : new RegExp( `^${get_route_segments(id).map((segment) => { const rest_match = /^\[\.\.\.(\w+)(?:=(\w+))?\]$/.exec(segment); if (rest_match) { params.push({ name: rest_match[1], matcher: rest_match[2], optional: false, rest: true, chained: true }); return "(?:/(.*))?"; } const optional_match = /^\[\[(\w+)(?:=(\w+))?\]\]$/.exec(segment); if (optional_match) { params.push({ name: optional_match[1], matcher: optional_match[2], optional: true, rest: false, chained: true }); return "(?:/([^/]+))?"; } if (!segment) { return; } const parts = segment.split(/\[(.+?)\](?!\])/); const result =, i) => { if (i % 2) { if (content.startsWith("x+")) { return escape(String.fromCharCode(parseInt(content.slice(2), 16))); } if (content.startsWith("u+")) { return escape( String.fromCharCode( ...content.slice(2).split("-").map((code) => parseInt(code, 16)) ) ); } const match = param_pattern.exec(content); if (!match) { throw new Error( `Invalid param: ${content}. Params and matcher names can only have underscores and alphanumeric characters.` ); } const [, is_optional, is_rest, name, matcher] = match; params.push({ name, matcher, optional: !!is_optional, rest: !!is_rest, chained: is_rest ? i === 1 && parts[0] === "" : false }); return is_rest ? "(.*?)" : is_optional ? "([^/]*)?" : "([^/]+?)"; } return escape(content); }).join(""); return "/" + result; }).join("")}/?$` ); return { pattern, params }; } function affects_path(segment) { return !/^\([^)]+\)$/.test(segment); } function get_route_segments(route) { return route.slice(1).split("/").filter(affects_path); } function exec(match, params, matchers2) { const result = {}; const values = match.slice(1); let buffered = 0; for (let i = 0; i < params.length; i += 1) { const param = params[i]; const value = values[i - buffered]; if (param.chained && && buffered) { result[] = values.slice(i - buffered, i + 1).filter((s) => s).join("/"); buffered = 0; continue; } if (value === void 0) { if ( result[] = ""; continue; } if (!param.matcher || matchers2[param.matcher](value)) { result[] = value; continue; } if (param.optional && param.chained) { buffered++; continue; } return; } if (buffered) return; return result; } function escape(str) { return str.normalize().replace(/[[\]]/g, "\\$&").replace(/%/g, "%25").replace(/\//g, "%2[Ff]").replace(/\?/g, "%3[Ff]").replace(/#/g, "%23").replace(/[.*+?^${}()|\\]/g, "\\$&"); } function parse(nodes2, server_loads2, dictionary2, matchers2) { const layouts_with_server_load = new Set(server_loads2); return Object.entries(dictionary2).map(([id, [leaf, layouts, errors]]) => { const { pattern, params } = parse_route_id(id); const route = { id, /** @param {string} path */ exec: (path) => { const match = pattern.exec(path); if (match) return exec(match, params, matchers2); }, errors: [1, ...errors || []].map((n) => nodes2[n]), layouts: [0, ...layouts || []].map(create_layout_loader), leaf: create_leaf_loader(leaf) }; route.errors.length = route.layouts.length = Math.max( route.errors.length, route.layouts.length ); return route; }); function create_leaf_loader(id) { const uses_server_data = id < 0; if (uses_server_data) id = ~id; return [uses_server_data, nodes2[id]]; } function create_layout_loader(id) { return id === void 0 ? id : [layouts_with_server_load.has(id), nodes2[id]]; } } function create_else_block(ctx) { let switch_instance; let switch_instance_anchor; let current; var switch_value = ( /*constructors*/ ctx[1][0] ); function switch_props(ctx2) { let switch_instance_props = { data: ( /*data_0*/ ctx2[3] ), form: ( /*form*/ ctx2[2] ) }; return { props: switch_instance_props }; } if (switch_value) { switch_instance = construct_svelte_component(switch_value, switch_props(ctx)); ctx[12](switch_instance); } return { c() { if (switch_instance) create_component(switch_instance.$$.fragment); switch_instance_anchor = empty(); }, l(nodes2) { if (switch_instance) claim_component(switch_instance.$$.fragment, nodes2); switch_instance_anchor = empty(); }, m(target, anchor) { if (switch_instance) mount_component(switch_instance, target, anchor); insert_hydration(target, switch_instance_anchor, anchor); current = true; }, p(ctx2, dirty) { const switch_instance_changes = {}; if (dirty & /*data_0*/ 8) = /*data_0*/ ctx2[3]; if (dirty & /*form*/ 4) switch_instance_changes.form = /*form*/ ctx2[2]; if (switch_value !== (switch_value = /*constructors*/ ctx2[1][0])) { if (switch_instance) { group_outros(); const old_component = switch_instance; transition_out(old_component.$$.fragment, 1, 0, () => { destroy_component(old_component, 1); }); check_outros(); } if (switch_value) { switch_instance = construct_svelte_component(switch_value, switch_props(ctx2)); ctx2[12](switch_instance); create_component(switch_instance.$$.fragment); transition_in(switch_instance.$$.fragment, 1); mount_component(switch_instance, switch_instance_anchor.parentNode, switch_instance_anchor); } else { switch_instance = null; } } else if (switch_value) { switch_instance.$set(switch_instance_changes); } }, i(local) { if (current) return; if (switch_instance) transition_in(switch_instance.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { if (switch_instance) transition_out(switch_instance.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { ctx[12](null); if (detaching) detach(switch_instance_anchor); if (switch_instance) destroy_component(switch_instance, detaching); } }; } function create_if_block_2(ctx) { let switch_instance; let switch_instance_anchor; let current; var switch_value = ( /*constructors*/ ctx[1][0] ); function switch_props(ctx2) { let switch_instance_props = { data: ( /*data_0*/ ctx2[3] ), $$slots: { default: [create_default_slot] }, $$scope: { ctx: ctx2 } }; return { props: switch_instance_props }; } if (switch_value) { switch_instance = construct_svelte_component(switch_value, switch_props(ctx)); ctx[11](switch_instance); } return { c() { if (switch_instance) create_component(switch_instance.$$.fragment); switch_instance_anchor = empty(); }, l(nodes2) { if (switch_instance) claim_component(switch_instance.$$.fragment, nodes2); switch_instance_anchor = empty(); }, m(target, anchor) { if (switch_instance) mount_component(switch_instance, target, anchor); insert_hydration(target, switch_instance_anchor, anchor); current = true; }, p(ctx2, dirty) { const switch_instance_changes = {}; if (dirty & /*data_0*/ 8) = /*data_0*/ ctx2[3]; if (dirty & /*$$scope, constructors, data_1, form, components*/ 8215) { switch_instance_changes.$$scope = { dirty, ctx: ctx2 }; } if (switch_value !== (switch_value = /*constructors*/ ctx2[1][0])) { if (switch_instance) { group_outros(); const old_component = switch_instance; transition_out(old_component.$$.fragment, 1, 0, () => { destroy_component(old_component, 1); }); check_outros(); } if (switch_value) { switch_instance = construct_svelte_component(switch_value, switch_props(ctx2)); ctx2[11](switch_instance); create_component(switch_instance.$$.fragment); transition_in(switch_instance.$$.fragment, 1); mount_component(switch_instance, switch_instance_anchor.parentNode, switch_instance_anchor); } else { switch_instance = null; } } else if (switch_value) { switch_instance.$set(switch_instance_changes); } }, i(local) { if (current) return; if (switch_instance) transition_in(switch_instance.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { if (switch_instance) transition_out(switch_instance.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { ctx[11](null); if (detaching) detach(switch_instance_anchor); if (switch_instance) destroy_component(switch_instance, detaching); } }; } function create_default_slot(ctx) { let switch_instance; let switch_instance_anchor; let current; var switch_value = ( /*constructors*/ ctx[1][1] ); function switch_props(ctx2) { let switch_instance_props = { data: ( /*data_1*/ ctx2[4] ), form: ( /*form*/ ctx2[2] ) }; return { props: switch_instance_props }; } if (switch_value) { switch_instance = construct_svelte_component(switch_value, switch_props(ctx)); ctx[10](switch_instance); } return { c() { if (switch_instance) create_component(switch_instance.$$.fragment); switch_instance_anchor = empty(); }, l(nodes2) { if (switch_instance) claim_component(switch_instance.$$.fragment, nodes2); switch_instance_anchor = empty(); }, m(target, anchor) { if (switch_instance) mount_component(switch_instance, target, anchor); insert_hydration(target, switch_instance_anchor, anchor); current = true; }, p(ctx2, dirty) { const switch_instance_changes = {}; if (dirty & /*data_1*/ 16) = /*data_1*/ ctx2[4]; if (dirty & /*form*/ 4) switch_instance_changes.form = /*form*/ ctx2[2]; if (switch_value !== (switch_value = /*constructors*/ ctx2[1][1])) { if (switch_instance) { group_outros(); const old_component = switch_instance; transition_out(old_component.$$.fragment, 1, 0, () => { destroy_component(old_component, 1); }); check_outros(); } if (switch_value) { switch_instance = construct_svelte_component(switch_value, switch_props(ctx2)); ctx2[10](switch_instance); create_component(switch_instance.$$.fragment); transition_in(switch_instance.$$.fragment, 1); mount_component(switch_instance, switch_instance_anchor.parentNode, switch_instance_anchor); } else { switch_instance = null; } } else if (switch_value) { switch_instance.$set(switch_instance_changes); } }, i(local) { if (current) return; if (switch_instance) transition_in(switch_instance.$$.fragment, local); current = true; }, o(local) { if (switch_instance) transition_out(switch_instance.$$.fragment, local); current = false; }, d(detaching) { ctx[10](null); if (detaching) detach(switch_instance_anchor); if (switch_instance) destroy_component(switch_instance, detaching); } }; } function create_if_block(ctx) { let div; let if_block = ( /*navigated*/ ctx[6] && create_if_block_1(ctx) ); return { c() { div = element("div"); if (if_block) if_block.c(); this.h(); }, l(nodes2) { div = claim_element(nodes2, "DIV", { id: true, "aria-live": true, "aria-atomic": true, style: true }); var div_nodes = children(div); if (if_block) if_block.l(div_nodes); div_nodes.forEach(detach); this.h(); }, h() { attr(div, "id", "svelte-announcer"); attr(div, "aria-live", "assertive"); attr(div, "aria-atomic", "true"); set_style(div, "position", "absolute"); set_style(div, "left", "0"); set_style(div, "top", "0"); set_style(div, "clip", "rect(0 0 0 0)"); set_style(div, "clip-path", "inset(50%)"); set_style(div, "overflow", "hidden"); set_style(div, "white-space", "nowrap"); set_style(div, "width", "1px"); set_style(div, "height", "1px"); }, m(target, anchor) { insert_hydration(target, div, anchor); if (if_block) if_block.m(div, null); }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if ( /*navigated*/ ctx2[6] ) { if (if_block) { if_block.p(ctx2, dirty); } else { if_block = create_if_block_1(ctx2); if_block.c(); if_block.m(div, null); } } else if (if_block) { if_block.d(1); if_block = null; } }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(div); if (if_block) if_block.d(); } }; } function create_if_block_1(ctx) { let t; return { c() { t = text( /*title*/ ctx[7] ); }, l(nodes2) { t = claim_text( nodes2, /*title*/ ctx[7] ); }, m(target, anchor) { insert_hydration(target, t, anchor); }, p(ctx2, dirty) { if (dirty & /*title*/ 128) set_data( t, /*title*/ ctx2[7] ); }, d(detaching) { if (detaching) detach(t); } }; } function create_fragment(ctx) { let current_block_type_index; let if_block0; let t; let if_block1_anchor; let current; const if_block_creators = [create_if_block_2, create_else_block]; const if_blocks = []; function select_block_type(ctx2, dirty) { if ( /*constructors*/ ctx2[1][1] ) return 0; return 1; } current_block_type_index = select_block_type(ctx); if_block0 = if_blocks[current_block_type_index] = if_block_creators[current_block_type_index](ctx); let if_block1 = ( /*mounted*/ ctx[5] && create_if_block(ctx) ); return { c() { if_block0.c(); t = space(); if (if_block1) if_block1.c(); if_block1_anchor = empty(); }, l(nodes2) { if_block0.l(nodes2); t = claim_space(nodes2); if (if_block1) if_block1.l(nodes2); if_block1_anchor = empty(); }, m(target, anchor) { if_blocks[current_block_type_index].m(target, anchor); insert_hydration(target, t, anchor); if (if_block1) if_block1.m(target, anchor); insert_hydration(target, if_block1_anchor, anchor); current = true; }, p(ctx2, [dirty]) { let previous_block_index = current_block_type_index; current_block_type_index = select_block_type(ctx2); if (current_block_type_index === previous_block_index) { if_blocks[current_block_type_index].p(ctx2, dirty); } else { group_outros(); transition_out(if_blocks[previous_block_index], 1, 1, () => { if_blocks[previous_block_index] = null; }); check_outros(); if_block0 = if_blocks[current_block_type_index]; if (!if_block0) { if_block0 = if_blocks[current_block_type_index] = if_block_creators[current_block_type_index](ctx2); if_block0.c(); } else { if_block0.p(ctx2, dirty); } transition_in(if_block0, 1); if_block0.m(t.parentNode, t); } if ( /*mounted*/ ctx2[5] ) { if (if_block1) { if_block1.p(ctx2, dirty); } else { if_block1 = create_if_block(ctx2); if_block1.c(); if_block1.m(if_block1_anchor.parentNode, if_block1_anchor); } } else if (if_block1) { if_block1.d(1); if_block1 = null; } }, i(local) { if (current) return; transition_in(if_block0); current = true; }, o(local) { transition_out(if_block0); current = false; }, d(detaching) { if_blocks[current_block_type_index].d(detaching); if (detaching) detach(t); if (if_block1) if_block1.d(detaching); if (detaching) detach(if_block1_anchor); } }; } function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let { stores: stores2 } = $$props; let { page } = $$props; let { constructors } = $$props; let { components = [] } = $$props; let { form } = $$props; let { data_0 = null } = $$props; let { data_1 = null } = $$props; afterUpdate(; let mounted = false; let navigated = false; let title = null; onMount(() => { const unsubscribe = => { if (mounted) { $$invalidate(6, navigated = true); $$invalidate(7, title = document.title || "untitled page"); } }); $$invalidate(5, mounted = true); return unsubscribe; }); function switch_instance_binding($$value) { binding_callbacks[$$value ? "unshift" : "push"](() => { components[1] = $$value; $$invalidate(0, components); }); } function switch_instance_binding_1($$value) { binding_callbacks[$$value ? "unshift" : "push"](() => { components[0] = $$value; $$invalidate(0, components); }); } function switch_instance_binding_2($$value) { binding_callbacks[$$value ? "unshift" : "push"](() => { components[0] = $$value; $$invalidate(0, components); }); } $$self.$$set = ($$props2) => { if ("stores" in $$props2) $$invalidate(8, stores2 = $$props2.stores); if ("page" in $$props2) $$invalidate(9, page = $$; if ("constructors" in $$props2) $$invalidate(1, constructors = $$props2.constructors); if ("components" in $$props2) $$invalidate(0, components = $$props2.components); if ("form" in $$props2) $$invalidate(2, form = $$props2.form); if ("data_0" in $$props2) $$invalidate(3, data_0 = $$props2.data_0); if ("data_1" in $$props2) $$invalidate(4, data_1 = $$props2.data_1); }; $$self.$$.update = () => { if ($$self.$$.dirty & /*stores, page*/ 768) {; } }; return [ components, constructors, form, data_0, data_1, mounted, navigated, title, stores2, page, switch_instance_binding, switch_instance_binding_1, switch_instance_binding_2 ]; } class Root extends SvelteComponent { constructor(options) { super(); init(this, options, instance, create_fragment, safe_not_equal, { stores: 8, page: 9, constructors: 1, components: 0, form: 2, data_0: 3, data_1: 4 }); } } const matchers = {}; const nodes = [ () => __vitePreload(() => import("./chunks/0-8cfd17aa.js"), true ? ["./chunks/0-8cfd17aa.js","./chunks/_layout-2a7c83c3.js","./components/pages/_layout.svelte-52954fb1.js","./chunks/index-2a025a89.js","./chunks/helpers-88229792.js","./assets/_layout-27ba224c.css"] : void 0, import.meta.url), () => __vitePreload(() => import("./chunks/1-1b14460c.js"), true ? ["./chunks/1-1b14460c.js","./components/error.svelte-67e543b8.js","./chunks/index-2a025a89.js","./chunks/singletons-286ffebd.js"] : void 0, import.meta.url), () => __vitePreload(() => import("./chunks/2-9ba64b41.js"), true ? ["./chunks/2-9ba64b41.js","./chunks/_page-7871bec4.js","./chunks/index-2a025a89.js","./chunks/helpers-88229792.js","./chunks/singletons-286ffebd.js","./chunks/preload-helper-f8376bb0.js"] : void 0, import.meta.url) ]; const server_loads = []; const dictionary = { "/": [2] }; const hooks = { handleError: ({ error }) => { console.error(error); } }; let HttpError = class HttpError2 { /** * @param {number} status * @param {{message: string} extends App.Error ? (App.Error | string | undefined) : App.Error} body */ constructor(status, body) { this.status = status; if (typeof body === "string") { this.body = { message: body }; } else if (body) { this.body = body; } else { this.body = { message: `Error: ${status}` }; } } toString() { return JSON.stringify(this.body); } }; let Redirect = class Redirect2 { /** * @param {300 | 301 | 302 | 303 | 304 | 305 | 306 | 307 | 308} status * @param {string} location */ constructor(status, location2) { this.status = status; this.location = location2; } }; async function unwrap_promises(object) { var _a; for (const key in object) { if (typeof ((_a = object[key]) == null ? void 0 : _a.then) === "function") { return Object.fromEntries( await Promise.all(Object.entries(object).map(async ([key2, value]) => [key2, await value])) ); } } return object; } Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Object.prototype).sort().join("\0"); const UNDEFINED = -1; const HOLE = -2; const NAN = -3; const POSITIVE_INFINITY = -4; const NEGATIVE_INFINITY = -5; const NEGATIVE_ZERO = -6; function unflatten(parsed, revivers) { if (typeof parsed === "number") return hydrate(parsed, true); if (!Array.isArray(parsed) || parsed.length === 0) { throw new Error("Invalid input"); } const values = ( /** @type {any[]} */ parsed ); const hydrated = Array(values.length); function hydrate(index, standalone = false) { if (index === UNDEFINED) return void 0; if (index === NAN) return NaN; if (index === POSITIVE_INFINITY) return Infinity; if (index === NEGATIVE_INFINITY) return -Infinity; if (index === NEGATIVE_ZERO) return -0; if (standalone) throw new Error(`Invalid input`); if (index in hydrated) return hydrated[index]; const value = values[index]; if (!value || typeof value !== "object") { hydrated[index] = value; } else if (Array.isArray(value)) { if (typeof value[0] === "string") { const type = value[0]; const reviver = revivers == null ? void 0 : revivers[type]; if (reviver) { return hydrated[index] = reviver(hydrate(value[1])); } switch (type) { case "Date": hydrated[index] = new Date(value[1]); break; case "Set": const set2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); hydrated[index] = set2; for (let i = 1; i < value.length; i += 1) { set2.add(hydrate(value[i])); } break; case "Map": const map = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); hydrated[index] = map; for (let i = 1; i < value.length; i += 2) { map.set(hydrate(value[i]), hydrate(value[i + 1])); } break; case "RegExp": hydrated[index] = new RegExp(value[1], value[2]); break; case "Object": hydrated[index] = Object(value[1]); break; case "BigInt": hydrated[index] = BigInt(value[1]); break; case "null": const obj = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); hydrated[index] = obj; for (let i = 1; i < value.length; i += 2) { obj[value[i]] = hydrate(value[i + 1]); } break; default: throw new Error(`Unknown type ${type}`); } } else { const array = new Array(value.length); hydrated[index] = array; for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i += 1) { const n = value[i]; if (n === HOLE) continue; array[i] = hydrate(n); } } } else { const object = {}; hydrated[index] = object; for (const key in value) { const n = value[key]; object[key] = hydrate(n); } } return hydrated[index]; } return hydrate(0); } function compact(arr) { return arr.filter( /** @returns {val is NonNullable} */ (val) => val != null ); } const routes = parse(nodes, server_loads, dictionary, matchers); const default_layout_loader = nodes[0]; const default_error_loader = nodes[1]; default_layout_loader(); default_error_loader(); const scroll_positions = get(SCROLL_KEY) ?? {}; const snapshots = get(SNAPSHOT_KEY) ?? {}; function update_scroll_positions(index) { scroll_positions[index] = scroll_state(); } function create_client({ target }) { var _a; const container = document.documentElement; const invalidated = []; const components = []; let load_cache = null; const callbacks = { /** @type {Array<(navigation: import('types').BeforeNavigate) => void>} */ before_navigate: [], /** @type {Array<(navigation: import('types').AfterNavigate) => void>} */ after_navigate: [] }; let current = { branch: [], error: null, // @ts-ignore - we need the initial value to be null url: null }; let hydrated = false; let started = false; let autoscroll = true; let updating = false; let navigating = false; let hash_navigating = false; let force_invalidation = false; let root; let current_history_index = (_a = history.state) == null ? void 0 : _a[INDEX_KEY]; if (!current_history_index) { current_history_index =; history.replaceState( { ...history.state, [INDEX_KEY]: current_history_index }, "", location.href ); } const scroll = scroll_positions[current_history_index]; if (scroll) { history.scrollRestoration = "manual"; scrollTo(scroll.x, scroll.y); } let page; let token; let pending_invalidate; async function invalidate() { pending_invalidate = pending_invalidate || Promise.resolve(); await pending_invalidate; pending_invalidate = null; const url = new URL(location.href); const intent = get_navigation_intent(url, true); load_cache = null; await update(intent, url, []); } function capture_snapshot(index) { if (components.some((c) => c == null ? void 0 : c.snapshot)) { snapshots[index] = => { var _a2; return (_a2 = c == null ? void 0 : c.snapshot) == null ? void 0 : _a2.capture(); }); } } function restore_snapshot(index) { var _a2; (_a2 = snapshots[index]) == null ? void 0 : _a2.forEach((value, i) => { var _a3, _b; (_b = (_a3 = components[i]) == null ? void 0 : _a3.snapshot) == null ? void 0 : _b.restore(value); }); } async function goto(url, { noScroll = false, replaceState = false, keepFocus = false, state = {}, invalidateAll = false }, redirect_chain, nav_token) { if (typeof url === "string") { url = new URL(url, get_base_uri(document)); } return navigate({ url, scroll: noScroll ? scroll_state() : null, keepfocus: keepFocus, redirect_chain, details: { state, replaceState }, nav_token, accepted: () => { if (invalidateAll) { force_invalidation = true; } }, blocked: () => { }, type: "goto" }); } async function preload_data(intent) { load_cache = { id:, promise: load_route(intent).then((result) => { if (result.type === "loaded" && result.state.error) { load_cache = null; } return result; }) }; return load_cache.promise; } async function preload_code(...pathnames) { const matching = routes.filter((route) => pathnames.some((pathname) => route.exec(pathname))); const promises = => { return Promise.all([...r.layouts, r.leaf].map((load) => load == null ? void 0 : load[1]())); }); await Promise.all(promises); } async function update(intent, url, redirect_chain, previous_history_index, opts, nav_token = {}, callback) { var _a2, _b; token = nav_token; let navigation_result = intent && await load_route(intent); if (!navigation_result) { navigation_result = await server_fallback( url, { id: null }, await handle_error(new Error(`Not found: ${url.pathname}`), { url, params: {}, route: { id: null } }), 404 ); } url = (intent == null ? void 0 : intent.url) || url; if (token !== nav_token) return false; if (navigation_result.type === "redirect") { if (redirect_chain.length > 10 || redirect_chain.includes(url.pathname)) { navigation_result = await load_root_error_page({ status: 500, error: await handle_error(new Error("Redirect loop"), { url, params: {}, route: { id: null } }), url, route: { id: null } }); } else { goto( new URL(navigation_result.location, url).href, {}, [...redirect_chain, url.pathname], nav_token ); return false; } } else if ( /** @type {number} */ ((_b = (_a2 = navigation_result.props) == null ? void 0 : == null ? void 0 : _b.status) >= 400 ) { const updated = await stores.updated.check(); if (updated) { await native_navigation(url); } } invalidated.length = 0; force_invalidation = false; updating = true; if (previous_history_index) { update_scroll_positions(previous_history_index); capture_snapshot(previous_history_index); } if (opts && opts.details) { const { details } = opts; const change = details.replaceState ? 0 : 1; details.state[INDEX_KEY] = current_history_index += change; history[details.replaceState ? "replaceState" : "pushState"](details.state, "", url); if (!details.replaceState) { let i = current_history_index + 1; while (snapshots[i] || scroll_positions[i]) { delete snapshots[i]; delete scroll_positions[i]; i += 1; } } } load_cache = null; if (started) { current = navigation_result.state; if ( { = url; } root.$set(navigation_result.props); } else { initialize(navigation_result); } if (opts) { const { scroll: scroll2, keepfocus } = opts; const { activeElement } = document; await tick(); const changed_focus = ( // reset focus only if any manual focus management didn't override it document.activeElement !== activeElement && // also refocus when activeElement is body already because the // focus event might not have been fired on it yet document.activeElement !== document.body ); if (!keepfocus && !changed_focus) { await reset_focus(); } if (autoscroll) { const deep_linked = url.hash && document.getElementById(decodeURIComponent(url.hash.slice(1))); if (scroll2) { scrollTo(scroll2.x, scroll2.y); } else if (deep_linked) { deep_linked.scrollIntoView(); } else { scrollTo(0, 0); } } } else { await tick(); } autoscroll = true; if ( { page =; } if (callback) callback(); updating = false; } function initialize(result) { var _a2; current = result.state; const style = document.querySelector("style[data-sveltekit]"); if (style) style.remove(); page = /** @type {import('types').Page} */; root = new Root({ target, props: { ...result.props, stores, components }, hydrate: true }); restore_snapshot(current_history_index); const navigation = { from: null, to: { params: current.params, route: { id: ((_a2 = current.route) == null ? void 0 : ?? null }, url: new URL(location.href) }, willUnload: false, type: "enter" }; callbacks.after_navigate.forEach((fn) => fn(navigation)); started = true; } async function get_navigation_result_from_branch({ url, params, branch, status, error, route, form }) { let slash = "never"; for (const node of branch) { if ((node == null ? void 0 : node.slash) !== void 0) slash = node.slash; } url.pathname = normalize_path(url.pathname, slash); =; const result = { type: "loaded", state: { url, params, branch, error, route }, props: { // @ts-ignore Somehow it's getting SvelteComponent and SvelteComponentDev mixed up constructors: compact(branch).map((branch_node) => branch_node.node.component) } }; if (form !== void 0) { result.props.form = form; } let data = {}; let data_changed = !page; let p = 0; for (let i = 0; i < Math.max(branch.length, current.branch.length); i += 1) { const node = branch[i]; const prev = current.branch[i]; if ((node == null ? void 0 : !== (prev == null ? void 0 : data_changed = true; if (!node) continue; data = {, }; if (data_changed) { result.props[`data_${p}`] = data; } p += 1; } const page_changed = !current.url || url.href !== current.url.href || current.error !== error || form !== void 0 && form !== page.form || data_changed; if (page_changed) { = { error, params, route: { id: (route == null ? void 0 : ?? null }, status, url: new URL(url), form: form ?? null, // The whole page store is updated, but this way the object reference stays the same data: data_changed ? data : }; } return result; } async function load_node({ loader, parent, url, params, route, server_data_node }) { var _a2, _b, _c; let data = null; const uses = { dependencies: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), params: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), parent: false, route: false, url: false }; const node = await loader(); if ((_a2 = node.universal) == null ? void 0 : _a2.load) { let depends = function(...deps) { for (const dep of deps) { const { href } = new URL(dep, url); uses.dependencies.add(href); } }; const load_input = { route: { get id() { uses.route = true; return; } }, params: new Proxy(params, { get: (target2, key) => { uses.params.add( /** @type {string} */ key ); return target2[ /** @type {string} */ key ]; } }), data: (server_data_node == null ? void 0 : ?? null, url: make_trackable(url, () => { uses.url = true; }), async fetch(resource, init2) { let requested; if (resource instanceof Request) { requested = resource.url; init2 = { // the request body must be consumed in memory until browsers // implement streaming request bodies and/or the body getter body: resource.method === "GET" || resource.method === "HEAD" ? void 0 : await resource.blob(), cache: resource.cache, credentials: resource.credentials, headers: resource.headers, integrity: resource.integrity, keepalive: resource.keepalive, method: resource.method, mode: resource.mode, redirect: resource.redirect, referrer: resource.referrer, referrerPolicy: resource.referrerPolicy, signal: resource.signal, ...init2 }; } else { requested = resource; } const resolved = new URL(requested, url); depends(resolved.href); if (resolved.origin === url.origin) { requested = resolved.href.slice(url.origin.length); } return started ? subsequent_fetch(requested, resolved.href, init2) : initial_fetch(requested, init2); }, setHeaders: () => { }, // noop depends, parent() { uses.parent = true; return parent(); } }; { data = await, load_input) ?? null; } data = data ? await unwrap_promises(data) : null; } return { node, loader, server: server_data_node, universal: ((_b = node.universal) == null ? void 0 : _b.load) ? { type: "data", data, uses } : null, data: data ?? (server_data_node == null ? void 0 : ?? null, slash: ((_c = node.universal) == null ? void 0 : _c.trailingSlash) ?? (server_data_node == null ? void 0 : server_data_node.slash) }; } function has_changed(parent_changed, route_changed, url_changed, uses, params) { if (force_invalidation) return true; if (!uses) return false; if (uses.parent && parent_changed) return true; if (uses.route && route_changed) return true; if (uses.url && url_changed) return true; for (const param of uses.params) { if (params[param] !== current.params[param]) return true; } for (const href of uses.dependencies) { if (invalidated.some((fn) => fn(new URL(href)))) return true; } return false; } function create_data_node(node, previous) { if ((node == null ? void 0 : node.type) === "data") { return { type: "data", data:, uses: { dependencies: new Set(node.uses.dependencies ?? []), params: new Set(node.uses.params ?? []), parent: !!node.uses.parent, route: !!node.uses.route, url: !!node.uses.url }, slash: node.slash }; } else if ((node == null ? void 0 : node.type) === "skip") { return previous ?? null; } return null; } async function load_route({ id, invalidating, url, params, route }) { if ((load_cache == null ? void 0 : === id) { return load_cache.promise; } const { errors, layouts, leaf } = route; const loaders = [...layouts, leaf]; errors.forEach((loader) => loader == null ? void 0 : loader().catch(() => { })); loaders.forEach((loader) => loader == null ? void 0 : loader[1]().catch(() => { })); let server_data = null; const url_changed = current.url ? id !== current.url.pathname + : false; const route_changed = current.route ? !== : false; let parent_invalid = false; const invalid_server_nodes =, i) => { var _a2; const previous = current.branch[i]; const invalid = !!(loader == null ? void 0 : loader[0]) && ((previous == null ? void 0 : previous.loader) !== loader[1] || has_changed(parent_invalid, route_changed, url_changed, (_a2 = previous.server) == null ? void 0 : _a2.uses, params)); if (invalid) { parent_invalid = true; } return invalid; }); if (invalid_server_nodes.some(Boolean)) { try { server_data = await load_data(url, invalid_server_nodes); } catch (error) { return load_root_error_page({ status: error instanceof HttpError ? error.status : 500, error: await handle_error(error, { url, params, route: { id: } }), url, route }); } if (server_data.type === "redirect") { return server_data; } } const server_data_nodes = server_data == null ? void 0 : server_data.nodes; let parent_changed = false; const branch_promises = (loader, i) => { var _a2; if (!loader) return; const previous = current.branch[i]; const server_data_node = server_data_nodes == null ? void 0 : server_data_nodes[i]; const valid = (!server_data_node || server_data_node.type === "skip") && loader[1] === (previous == null ? void 0 : previous.loader) && !has_changed(parent_changed, route_changed, url_changed, (_a2 = previous.universal) == null ? void 0 : _a2.uses, params); if (valid) return previous; parent_changed = true; if ((server_data_node == null ? void 0 : server_data_node.type) === "error") { throw server_data_node; } return load_node({ loader: loader[1], url, params, route, parent: async () => { var _a3; const data = {}; for (let j = 0; j < i; j += 1) { Object.assign(data, (_a3 = await branch_promises[j]) == null ? void 0 :; } return data; }, server_data_node: create_data_node( // server_data_node is undefined if it wasn't reloaded from the server; // and if current loader uses server data, we want to reuse previous data. server_data_node === void 0 && loader[0] ? { type: "skip" } : server_data_node ?? null, loader[0] ? previous == null ? void 0 : previous.server : void 0 ) }); }); for (const p of branch_promises) p.catch(() => { }); const branch = []; for (let i = 0; i < loaders.length; i += 1) { if (loaders[i]) { try { branch.push(await branch_promises[i]); } catch (err) { if (err instanceof Redirect) { return { type: "redirect", location: err.location }; } let status = 500; let error; if (server_data_nodes == null ? void 0 : server_data_nodes.includes( /** @type {import('types').ServerErrorNode} */ err )) { status = /** @type {import('types').ServerErrorNode} */ err.status ?? status; error = /** @type {import('types').ServerErrorNode} */ err.error; } else if (err instanceof HttpError) { status = err.status; error = err.body; } else { const updated = await stores.updated.check(); if (updated) { return await native_navigation(url); } error = await handle_error(err, { params, url, route: { id: } }); } const error_load = await load_nearest_error_page(i, branch, errors); if (error_load) { return await get_navigation_result_from_branch({ url, params, branch: branch.slice(0, error_load.idx).concat(error_load.node), status, error, route }); } else { return await server_fallback(url, { id: }, error, status); } } } else { branch.push(void 0); } } return await get_navigation_result_from_branch({ url, params, branch, status: 200, error: null, route, // Reset `form` on navigation, but not invalidation form: invalidating ? void 0 : null }); } async function load_nearest_error_page(i, branch, errors) { while (i--) { if (errors[i]) { let j = i; while (!branch[j]) j -= 1; try { return { idx: j + 1, node: { node: await /** @type {import('types').CSRPageNodeLoader } */ errors[i](), loader: ( /** @type {import('types').CSRPageNodeLoader } */ errors[i] ), data: {}, server: null, universal: null } }; } catch (e) { continue; } } } } async function load_root_error_page({ status, error, url, route }) { const params = {}; let server_data_node = null; const default_layout_has_server_load = server_loads[0] === 0; if (default_layout_has_server_load) { try { const server_data = await load_data(url, [true]); if (server_data.type !== "data" || server_data.nodes[0] && server_data.nodes[0].type !== "data") { throw 0; } server_data_node = server_data.nodes[0] ?? null; } catch { if (url.origin !== location.origin || url.pathname !== location.pathname || hydrated) { await native_navigation(url); } } } const root_layout = await load_node({ loader: default_layout_loader, url, params, route, parent: () => Promise.resolve({}), server_data_node: create_data_node(server_data_node) }); const root_error = { node: await default_error_loader(), loader: default_error_loader, universal: null, server: null, data: null }; return await get_navigation_result_from_branch({ url, params, branch: [root_layout, root_error], status, error, route: null }); } function get_navigation_intent(url, invalidating) { if (is_external_url(url, base)) return; const path = get_url_path(url); for (const route of routes) { const params = route.exec(path); if (params) { const id = url.pathname +; const intent = { id, invalidating, route, params: decode_params(params), url }; return intent; } } } function get_url_path(url) { return decode_pathname(url.pathname.slice(base.length) || "/"); } function before_navigate({ url, type, intent, delta }) { var _a2, _b; let should_block = false; const navigation = { from: { params: current.params, route: { id: ((_a2 = current.route) == null ? void 0 : ?? null }, url: current.url }, to: { params: (intent == null ? void 0 : intent.params) ?? null, route: { id: ((_b = intent == null ? void 0 : intent.route) == null ? void 0 : ?? null }, url }, willUnload: !intent, type }; if (delta !== void 0) { = delta; } const cancellable = { ...navigation, cancel: () => { should_block = true; } }; if (!navigating) { callbacks.before_navigate.forEach((fn) => fn(cancellable)); } return should_block ? null : navigation; } async function navigate({ url, scroll: scroll2, keepfocus, redirect_chain, details, type, delta, nav_token, accepted, blocked }) { const intent = get_navigation_intent(url, false); const navigation = before_navigate({ url, type, delta, intent }); if (!navigation) { blocked(); return; } const previous_history_index = current_history_index; accepted(); navigating = true; if (started) { stores.navigating.set(navigation); } await update( intent, url, redirect_chain, previous_history_index, { scroll: scroll2, keepfocus, details }, nav_token, () => { navigating = false; callbacks.after_navigate.forEach( (fn) => fn( /** @type {import('types').AfterNavigate} */ navigation ) ); stores.navigating.set(null); } ); } async function server_fallback(url, route, error, status) { if (url.origin === location.origin && url.pathname === location.pathname && !hydrated) { return await load_root_error_page({ status, error, url, route }); } return await native_navigation(url); } function native_navigation(url) { location.href = url.href; return new Promise(() => { }); } function setup_preload() { let mousemove_timeout; container.addEventListener("mousemove", (event) => { const target2 = ( /** @type {Element} */ ); clearTimeout(mousemove_timeout); mousemove_timeout = setTimeout(() => { preload(target2, 2); }, 20); }); function tap(event) { preload( /** @type {Element} */ event.composedPath()[0], 1 ); } container.addEventListener("mousedown", tap); container.addEventListener("touchstart", tap, { passive: true }); const observer = new IntersectionObserver( (entries) => { for (const entry of entries) { if (entry.isIntersecting) { preload_code( get_url_path(new URL( /** @type {HTMLAnchorElement} */ )) ); observer.unobserve(; } } }, { threshold: 0 } ); function preload(element2, priority) { const a = find_anchor(element2, container); if (!a) return; const { url, external } = get_link_info(a, base); if (external) return; const options = get_router_options(a); if (!options.reload) { if (priority <= options.preload_data) { const intent = get_navigation_intent( /** @type {URL} */ url, false ); if (intent) { { preload_data(intent); } } } else if (priority <= options.preload_code) { preload_code(get_url_path( /** @type {URL} */ url )); } } } function after_navigate() { observer.disconnect(); for (const a of container.querySelectorAll("a")) { const { url, external } = get_link_info(a, base); if (external) continue; const options = get_router_options(a); if (options.reload) continue; if (options.preload_code === PRELOAD_PRIORITIES.viewport) { observer.observe(a); } if (options.preload_code === PRELOAD_PRIORITIES.eager) { preload_code(get_url_path( /** @type {URL} */ url )); } } } callbacks.after_navigate.push(after_navigate); after_navigate(); } return { after_navigate: (fn) => { onMount(() => { callbacks.after_navigate.push(fn); return () => { const i = callbacks.after_navigate.indexOf(fn); callbacks.after_navigate.splice(i, 1); }; }); }, before_navigate: (fn) => { onMount(() => { callbacks.before_navigate.push(fn); return () => { const i = callbacks.before_navigate.indexOf(fn); callbacks.before_navigate.splice(i, 1); }; }); }, disable_scroll_handling: () => { if (updating || !started) { autoscroll = false; } }, goto: (href, opts = {}) => { return goto(href, opts, []); }, invalidate: (resource) => { if (typeof resource === "function") { invalidated.push(resource); } else { const { href } = new URL(resource, location.href); invalidated.push((url) => url.href === href); } return invalidate(); }, invalidateAll: () => { force_invalidation = true; return invalidate(); }, preload_data: async (href) => { const url = new URL(href, get_base_uri(document)); const intent = get_navigation_intent(url, false); if (!intent) { throw new Error(`Attempted to preload a URL that does not belong to this app: ${url}`); } await preload_data(intent); }, preload_code, apply_action: async (result) => { if (result.type === "error") { const url = new URL(location.href); const { branch, route } = current; if (!route) return; const error_load = await load_nearest_error_page( current.branch.length, branch, route.errors ); if (error_load) { const navigation_result = await get_navigation_result_from_branch({ url, params: current.params, branch: branch.slice(0, error_load.idx).concat(error_load.node), status: result.status ?? 500, error: result.error, route }); current = navigation_result.state; root.$set(navigation_result.props); tick().then(reset_focus); } } else if (result.type === "redirect") { goto(result.location, { invalidateAll: true }, []); } else { const props = { form:, page: {, form:, status: result.status } }; root.$set(props); if (result.type === "success") { tick().then(reset_focus); } } }, _start_router: () => { var _a2; history.scrollRestoration = "manual"; addEventListener("beforeunload", (e) => { var _a3; let should_block = false; if (!navigating) { const navigation = { from: { params: current.params, route: { id: ((_a3 = current.route) == null ? void 0 : ?? null }, url: current.url }, to: null, willUnload: true, type: "leave", cancel: () => should_block = true }; callbacks.before_navigate.forEach((fn) => fn(navigation)); } if (should_block) { e.preventDefault(); e.returnValue = ""; } else { history.scrollRestoration = "auto"; } }); addEventListener("visibilitychange", () => { if (document.visibilityState === "hidden") { update_scroll_positions(current_history_index); set(SCROLL_KEY, scroll_positions); capture_snapshot(current_history_index); set(SNAPSHOT_KEY, snapshots); } }); if (!((_a2 = navigator.connection) == null ? void 0 : _a2.saveData)) { setup_preload(); } container.addEventListener("click", (event) => { if (event.button || event.which !== 1) return; if (event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey || event.shiftKey || event.altKey) return; if (event.defaultPrevented) return; const a = find_anchor( /** @type {Element} */ event.composedPath()[0], container ); if (!a) return; const { url, external, target: target2 } = get_link_info(a, base); if (!url) return; if (target2 === "_parent" || target2 === "_top") { if (window.parent !== window) return; } else if (target2 && target2 !== "_self") { return; } const options = get_router_options(a); const is_svg_a_element = a instanceof SVGAElement; if (!is_svg_a_element && url.protocol !== location.protocol && !(url.protocol === "https:" || url.protocol === "http:")) return; if (external || options.reload) { const navigation = before_navigate({ url, type: "link" }); if (!navigation) { event.preventDefault(); } navigating = true; return; } const [nonhash, hash2] = url.href.split("#"); if (hash2 !== void 0 && nonhash === location.href.split("#")[0]) { hash_navigating = true; update_scroll_positions(current_history_index); current.url = url;{, url });; return; } navigate({ url, scroll: options.noscroll ? scroll_state() : null, keepfocus: false, redirect_chain: [], details: { state: {}, replaceState: url.href === location.href }, accepted: () => event.preventDefault(), blocked: () => event.preventDefault(), type: "link" }); }); container.addEventListener("submit", (event) => { if (event.defaultPrevented) return; const form = ( /** @type {HTMLFormElement} */ ); const submitter = ( /** @type {HTMLButtonElement | HTMLInputElement | null} */ event.submitter ); const method = (submitter == null ? void 0 : submitter.formMethod) || form.method; if (method !== "get") return; const url = new URL( (submitter == null ? void 0 : submitter.hasAttribute("formaction")) && (submitter == null ? void 0 : submitter.formAction) || form.action ); if (is_external_url(url, base)) return; const event_form = ( /** @type {HTMLFormElement} */ ); const { noscroll, reload } = get_router_options(event_form); if (reload) return; event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); const data = new FormData(event_form); const submitter_name = submitter == null ? void 0 : submitter.getAttribute("name"); if (submitter_name) { data.append(submitter_name, (submitter == null ? void 0 : submitter.getAttribute("value")) ?? ""); } = new URLSearchParams(data).toString(); navigate({ url, scroll: noscroll ? scroll_state() : null, keepfocus: false, redirect_chain: [], details: { state: {}, replaceState: false }, nav_token: {}, accepted: () => { }, blocked: () => { }, type: "form" }); }); addEventListener("popstate", async (event) => { var _a3; if ((_a3 = event.state) == null ? void 0 : _a3[INDEX_KEY]) { if (event.state[INDEX_KEY] === current_history_index) return; const scroll2 = scroll_positions[event.state[INDEX_KEY]]; if (current.url.href.split("#")[0] === location.href.split("#")[0]) { scroll_positions[current_history_index] = scroll_state(); current_history_index = event.state[INDEX_KEY]; scrollTo(scroll2.x, scroll2.y); return; } const delta = event.state[INDEX_KEY] - current_history_index; let blocked = false; await navigate({ url: new URL(location.href), scroll: scroll2, keepfocus: false, redirect_chain: [], details: null, accepted: () => { current_history_index = event.state[INDEX_KEY]; }, blocked: () => { history.go(-delta); blocked = true; }, type: "popstate", delta }); if (!blocked) { restore_snapshot(current_history_index); } } }); addEventListener("hashchange", () => { if (hash_navigating) { hash_navigating = false; history.replaceState( { ...history.state, [INDEX_KEY]: ++current_history_index }, "", location.href ); } }); for (const link of document.querySelectorAll("link")) { if (link.rel === "icon") link.href = link.href; } addEventListener("pageshow", (event) => { if (event.persisted) { stores.navigating.set(null); } }); }, _hydrate: async ({ status = 200, error, node_ids, params, route, data: server_data_nodes, form }) => { hydrated = true; const url = new URL(location.href); { ({ params = {}, route = { id: null } } = get_navigation_intent(url, false) || {}); } let result; try { const branch_promises = (n, i) => { const server_data_node = server_data_nodes[i]; return load_node({ loader: nodes[n], url, params, route, parent: async () => { const data = {}; for (let j = 0; j < i; j += 1) { Object.assign(data, (await branch_promises[j]).data); } return data; }, server_data_node: create_data_node(server_data_node) }); }); result = await get_navigation_result_from_branch({ url, params, branch: await Promise.all(branch_promises), status, error, form, route: routes.find(({ id }) => id === ?? null }); } catch (error2) { if (error2 instanceof Redirect) { await native_navigation(new URL(error2.location, location.href)); return; } result = await load_root_error_page({ status: error2 instanceof HttpError ? error2.status : 500, error: await handle_error(error2, { url, params, route }), url, route }); } initialize(result); } }; } async function load_data(url, invalid) { var _a; const data_url = new URL(url); data_url.pathname = add_data_suffix(url.pathname); data_url.searchParams.append( "x-sveltekit-invalidated", => x ? "1" : "").join("_") ); const res = await native_fetch(data_url.href); const data = await res.json(); if (!res.ok) { throw new HttpError(res.status, data); } (_a = data.nodes) == null ? void 0 : _a.forEach((node) => { if ((node == null ? void 0 : node.type) === "data") { = unflatten(; node.uses = { dependencies: new Set(node.uses.dependencies ?? []), params: new Set(node.uses.params ?? []), parent: !!node.uses.parent, route: !!node.uses.route, url: !!node.uses.url }; } }); return data; } function handle_error(error, event) { if (error instanceof HttpError) { return error.body; } return hooks.handleError({ error, event }) ?? /** @type {any} */ { message: != null ? "Internal Error" : "Not Found" }; } function reset_focus() { const autofocus = document.querySelector("[autofocus]"); if (autofocus) { autofocus.focus(); } else { const root = document.body; const tabindex = root.getAttribute("tabindex"); root.tabIndex = -1; root.focus({ preventScroll: true }); if (tabindex !== null) { root.setAttribute("tabindex", tabindex); } else { root.removeAttribute("tabindex"); } return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(() => { var _a; resolve((_a = getSelection()) == null ? void 0 : _a.removeAllRanges()); }); }); } } async function start({ assets, env, hydrate, target, version }) { set_assets(assets); set_version(version); const client = create_client({ target }); init$1({ client }); if (hydrate) { await client._hydrate(hydrate); } else { client.goto(location.href, { replaceState: true }); } client._start_router(); } export { start };