This commit is contained in:
burningtree 2023-04-28 12:29:35 +00:00
rodič 5dea79c867
revize 817e974650
27 změnil soubory, kde provedl 321 přidání a 241 odebrání

Zobrazit soubor

@ -844,8 +844,8 @@ person-item:hover .text-mild,
margin-bottom: 2rem;
margin-right: 0.25rem;
margin-left: 2rem;
margin-top: 2.5rem;
@ -913,18 +913,15 @@ person-item:hover .text-mild,
width: 40%;
width: 7rem;
width: 75%;
width: 8rem;
width: 9rem;
width: 1.25rem;
width: auto;
@ -952,6 +949,9 @@ person-item:hover .text-mild,
grid-template-columns: repeat(2, minmax(0, 1fr));
flex-wrap: wrap;
align-items: center;
@ -961,6 +961,9 @@ person-item:hover .text-mild,
gap: 2.5rem;
gap: 0.5rem;
gap: 1rem;
@ -1214,9 +1217,15 @@ person-item:hover .text-mild,
width: 4rem;
width: 8rem;
grid-template-columns: repeat(3, minmax(0, 1fr));
gap: 1rem;
@media (min-width: 768px){

Zobrazit soubor

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { _ } from "./_layout-4d9009ea.js";
import { default as default2 } from "../components/pages/_layout.svelte-9a05cfe8.js";
import { _ } from "./_layout-af7f8bc9.js";
import { default as default2 } from "../components/pages/_layout.svelte-344e9f1e.js";
export {
default2 as component,
_ as universal

Zobrazit soubor

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { default as default2 } from "../components/error.svelte-0198a771.js";
import { default as default2 } from "../components/error.svelte-67e543b8.js";
export {
default2 as component

Zobrazit soubor

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
import { P } from "./_page-44f8490c.js";
export {
P as component

Zobrazit soubor

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
import { P } from "./_page-f40be2e6.js";
export {
P as component

Zobrazit soubor

@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ const data = {
image: "/banner-square.png",
logo: "/logo.svg",
twitter: "web3privacy",
matrix: "",
matrixUrl: "",
bluesky: "",
blueskyUrl: "",
parent: "Web3Privacy Now",
venueMapUrl: "",
parentUrl: "",

Zobrazit soubor

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import { S as SvelteComponent, i as init, s as safe_not_equal, k as element, l as claim_element, m as children, h as detach, n as attr, b as insert_hydration, f as transition_in, g as group_outros, d as check_outros, t as transition_out, M as destroy_each, a as space, q as text, c as claim_space, r as claim_text, G as src_url_equal, H as append_hydration, I as listen, u as set_data, x as create_component, y as claim_component, z as mount_component, A as destroy_component, N as run_all, Z as component_subscribe, _ as is_function, C as noop, e as empty, $ as head_selector, p as set_style } from "./index-88d77172.js";
import { a as animateText, S as SvelteMarkdown, b as animateSection } from "./helpers-c3e656fe.js";
import { l as client$1, w as writable } from "./singletons-0b808b86.js";
import { S as SvelteComponent, i as init, s as safe_not_equal, k as element, l as claim_element, m as children, h as detach, n as attr, b as insert_hydration, f as transition_in, g as group_outros, d as check_outros, t as transition_out, K as destroy_each, a as space, q as text, c as claim_space, r as claim_text, E as src_url_equal, F as append_hydration, G as listen, u as set_data, x as create_component, y as claim_component, z as mount_component, A as destroy_component, L as run_all, X as component_subscribe, Y as is_function, C as noop, e as empty, Z as head_selector, p as set_style } from "./index-2a025a89.js";
import { a as animateText, S as SvelteMarkdown, b as animateSection } from "./helpers-88229792.js";
import { l as client$1, w as writable } from "./singletons-286ffebd.js";
import { _ as __vitePreload } from "./preload-helper-f8376bb0.js";
var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : {};
function getDefaultExportFromCjs(x) {
@ -24325,7 +24325,7 @@ var CoinbaseWalletConnector = class extends Connector {
async getProvider() {
var _a;
if (!__privateGet(this, _provider$1)) {
let CoinbaseWalletSDK = (await __vitePreload(() => import("./index-0d081f25.js").then((n2) => n2.i), true ? ["./index-0d081f25.js","./tslib-e8663318.js"] : void 0, import.meta.url)).default;
let CoinbaseWalletSDK = (await __vitePreload(() => import("./index-9647dc32.js").then((n2) => n2.i), true ? ["./index-9647dc32.js","./tslib-10b32299.js"] : void 0, import.meta.url)).default;
if (typeof CoinbaseWalletSDK !== "function" && typeof CoinbaseWalletSDK.default === "function")
CoinbaseWalletSDK = CoinbaseWalletSDK.default;
__privateSet(this, _client, new CoinbaseWalletSDK(this.options));
@ -24653,7 +24653,7 @@ var WalletConnectConnector = class extends Connector {
) : {};
const WalletConnectProvider = (await __vitePreload(() => import("./index-10ebb825.js"), true ? ["./index-10ebb825.js","./index-6763091b.js","./tslib-e8663318.js","./dijkstra-cb1f074b.js"] : void 0, import.meta.url)).default;
const WalletConnectProvider = (await __vitePreload(() => import("./index-8a3ceb5b.js"), true ? ["./index-8a3ceb5b.js","./index-f5510c95.js","./tslib-10b32299.js","./dijkstra-cb1f074b.js"] : void 0, import.meta.url)).default;
__privateSet(this, _provider, new WalletConnectProvider({
@ -24700,7 +24700,7 @@ _initUniversalProviderPromise = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
_web3Modal = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
_createWeb3Modal = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet();
createWeb3Modal_fn = async function() {
const { Web3Modal } = await __vitePreload(() => import("./index-3a108493.js"), true ? ["./index-3a108493.js","./preload-helper-f8376bb0.js"] : void 0, import.meta.url);
const { Web3Modal } = await __vitePreload(() => import("./index-7e735159.js"), true ? ["./index-7e735159.js","./preload-helper-f8376bb0.js"] : void 0, import.meta.url);
const { version: version2 } = this.options;
__privateSet(this, _web3Modal, new Web3Modal({
walletConnectVersion: version2 === "2" ? 2 : 1,
@ -24710,7 +24710,7 @@ createWeb3Modal_fn = async function() {
_initUniversalProvider = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet();
initUniversalProvider_fn = async function() {
const WalletConnectProvider = (await __vitePreload(() => import("./"), true ? ["./","./tslib-e8663318.js","./index-6763091b.js"] : void 0, import.meta.url)).default;
const WalletConnectProvider = (await __vitePreload(() => import("./"), true ? ["./","./tslib-10b32299.js","./index-f5510c95.js"] : void 0, import.meta.url)).default;
if (typeof (WalletConnectProvider == null ? void 0 : WalletConnectProvider.init) === "function") {
__privateSet(this, _provider, await WalletConnectProvider.init(
@ -27190,7 +27190,7 @@ class h {
async initUi() {
if (typeof window < "u") {
await __vitePreload(() => import("./index-d64eec65.js"), true ? ["./index-d64eec65.js","./dijkstra-cb1f074b.js"] : void 0, import.meta.url);
await __vitePreload(() => import("./index-93b2d070.js"), true ? ["./index-93b2d070.js","./dijkstra-cb1f074b.js"] : void 0, import.meta.url);
const e = document.createElement("w3m-modal");
document.body.insertAdjacentElement("beforeend", e), a$1.setIsUiLoaded(true);

Zobrazit soubor

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { o as onMount, S as SvelteComponent, i as init, s as safe_not_equal, e as empty, b as insert_hydration, g as group_outros, t as transition_out, d as check_outros, f as transition_in, h as detach, O as compute_rest_props, P as assign, Q as exclude_internal_props, M as destroy_each, x as create_component, y as claim_component, z as mount_component, R as get_spread_update, T as get_spread_object, A as destroy_component, w as construct_svelte_component, a as space, c as claim_space, q as text, r as claim_text, u as set_data, C as noop, U as getContext, D as create_slot, k as element, l as claim_element, m as children, n as attr, J as update_slot_base, K as get_all_dirty_from_scope, L as get_slot_changes, G as src_url_equal, H as append_hydration, V as HtmlTagHydration, W as claim_html_tag, X as createEventDispatcher, Y as setContext } from "./index-88d77172.js";
import { o as onMount, S as SvelteComponent, i as init, s as safe_not_equal, e as empty, b as insert_hydration, g as group_outros, t as transition_out, d as check_outros, f as transition_in, h as detach, M as compute_rest_props, N as assign, O as exclude_internal_props, K as destroy_each, x as create_component, y as claim_component, z as mount_component, P as get_spread_update, Q as get_spread_object, A as destroy_component, w as construct_svelte_component, a as space, c as claim_space, q as text, r as claim_text, u as set_data, C as noop, R as getContext, D as create_slot, k as element, l as claim_element, m as children, n as attr, H as update_slot_base, I as get_all_dirty_from_scope, J as get_slot_changes, E as src_url_equal, F as append_hydration, T as HtmlTagHydration, U as claim_html_tag, V as createEventDispatcher, W as setContext } from "./index-2a025a89.js";
function supressWarnings() {
const origWarn = console.warn;
console.warn = (message) => {

Zobrazit soubor

@ -299,9 +299,6 @@ function claim_element_base(nodes, name, attributes, create_element) {
function claim_element(nodes, name, attributes) {
return claim_element_base(nodes, name, attributes, element);
function claim_svg_element(nodes, name, attributes) {
return claim_element_base(nodes, name, attributes, svg_element);
function claim_text(nodes, data) {
return claim_node(
@ -749,34 +746,32 @@ class SvelteComponent {
export {
head_selector as $,
destroy_component as A,
tick as B,
noop as C,
create_slot as D,
svg_element as E,
claim_svg_element as F,
src_url_equal as G,
append_hydration as H,
listen as I,
update_slot_base as J,
get_all_dirty_from_scope as K,
get_slot_changes as L,
destroy_each as M,
run_all as N,
compute_rest_props as O,
assign as P,
exclude_internal_props as Q,
get_spread_update as R,
src_url_equal as E,
append_hydration as F,
listen as G,
update_slot_base as H,
get_all_dirty_from_scope as I,
get_slot_changes as J,
destroy_each as K,
run_all as L,
compute_rest_props as M,
assign as N,
exclude_internal_props as O,
get_spread_update as P,
get_spread_object as Q,
getContext as R,
SvelteComponent as S,
get_spread_object as T,
getContext as U,
HtmlTagHydration as V,
claim_html_tag as W,
createEventDispatcher as X,
setContext as Y,
component_subscribe as Z,
is_function as _,
HtmlTagHydration as T,
claim_html_tag as U,
createEventDispatcher as V,
setContext as W,
component_subscribe as X,
is_function as Y,
head_selector as Z,
space as a,
insert_hydration as b,
claim_space as c,

Zobrazit soubor

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { _ as __vitePreload } from "./preload-helper-f8376bb0.js";
import { k, W, a as a$1 } from "./_page-44f8490c.js";
import { k, W, a as a$1 } from "./_page-f40be2e6.js";
var s = Object.defineProperty, a = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols, c = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, d = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable, i = (o, e, t) => e in o ? s(o, e, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: t }) : o[e] = t, b = (o, e) => {
for (var t in e || (e = {})), t) && i(o, t, e[t]);
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class f {
async initUi() {
if (typeof window < "u") {
await __vitePreload(() => import("./index-d64eec65.js"), true ? ["./index-d64eec65.js","./_page-44f8490c.js","./index-88d77172.js","./helpers-c3e656fe.js","./singletons-0b808b86.js","./preload-helper-f8376bb0.js","./dijkstra-cb1f074b.js"] : void 0, import.meta.url);
await __vitePreload(() => import("./index-93b2d070.js"), true ? ["./index-93b2d070.js","./_page-f40be2e6.js","./index-2a025a89.js","./helpers-88229792.js","./singletons-286ffebd.js","./preload-helper-f8376bb0.js","./dijkstra-cb1f074b.js"] : void 0, import.meta.url);
const e = document.createElement("w3m-modal");
document.body.insertAdjacentElement("beforeend", e), a$1.setIsUiLoaded(true);

Zobrazit soubor

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { r as require$$1, e as commonjsGlobal, s as sha3Exports, h as getAugmentedNamespace, l as base64Js, m as ieee754, E as EventEmitter } from "./_page-44f8490c.js";
import { p as payloadId$1, s as splitOnFirst, a as strictUriEncode, d as decodeUriComponent, c as cjs$3, I as IJsonRpcConnection, f as formatJsonRpcError, J as JsonRpcProvider, H as HttpConnection } from "./index-6763091b.js";
import { r as require$$1, e as commonjsGlobal, s as sha3Exports, h as getAugmentedNamespace, l as base64Js, m as ieee754, E as EventEmitter } from "./_page-f40be2e6.js";
import { p as payloadId$1, s as splitOnFirst, a as strictUriEncode, d as decodeUriComponent, c as cjs$3, I as IJsonRpcConnection, f as formatJsonRpcError, J as JsonRpcProvider, H as HttpConnection } from "./index-f5510c95.js";
import { d as dijkstraExports } from "./dijkstra-cb1f074b.js";
var cjs$2 = {};
var cjs$1 = {};

Zobrazit soubor

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { W, k as k$1, a as a$2, L, b as P$1, A as A$1, d as d$2, g as g$2 } from "./_page-44f8490c.js";
import { W, k as k$1, a as a$2, L, b as P$1, A as A$1, d as d$2, g as g$2 } from "./_page-f40be2e6.js";
import { d as dijkstraExports } from "./dijkstra-cb1f074b.js";
* @license

Zobrazit soubor

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { c as buffer$1, i as inherits_browserExports, r as require$$1$1, e as commonjsGlobal, f as bnExports, h as getAugmentedNamespace, j as getDefaultExportFromCjs } from "./_page-44f8490c.js";
import { e as eventsExports, t as tslibExports$1 } from "./tslib-e8663318.js";
import { c as buffer$1, i as inherits_browserExports, r as require$$1$1, e as commonjsGlobal, f as bnExports, h as getAugmentedNamespace, j as getDefaultExportFromCjs } from "./_page-f40be2e6.js";
import { e as eventsExports, t as tslibExports$1 } from "./tslib-10b32299.js";
function _mergeNamespaces(n2, m2) {
for (var i = 0; i < m2.length; i++) {
const e2 = m2[i];

Zobrazit soubor

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { t as tslibExports, e as eventsExports } from "./tslib-e8663318.js";
import { e as commonjsGlobal, j as getDefaultExportFromCjs } from "./_page-44f8490c.js";
import { t as tslibExports, e as eventsExports } from "./tslib-10b32299.js";
import { e as commonjsGlobal, j as getDefaultExportFromCjs } from "./_page-f40be2e6.js";

Zobrazit soubor

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import { t as tslibExports, e as eventsExports } from "./tslib-e8663318.js";
import { e as commonjsGlobal, h as getAugmentedNamespace, r as require$$1 } from "./_page-44f8490c.js";
import { b as safeJsonStringify$1, s as splitOnFirst, a as strictUriEncode, d as decodeUriComponent, i as isWsUrl, c as cjs$8, e as isLocalhostUrl, g as safeJsonParse$1, f as formatJsonRpcError, h as parseConnectionError, J as JsonRpcProvider, j as isJsonRpcRequest, k as formatJsonRpcResult, l as isJsonRpcResult, m as isJsonRpcError, n as isJsonRpcResponse, o as formatJsonRpcRequest, H as HttpConnection } from "./index-6763091b.js";
import { t as tslibExports, e as eventsExports } from "./tslib-10b32299.js";
import { e as commonjsGlobal, h as getAugmentedNamespace, r as require$$1 } from "./_page-f40be2e6.js";
import { b as safeJsonStringify$1, s as splitOnFirst, a as strictUriEncode, d as decodeUriComponent, i as isWsUrl, c as cjs$8, e as isLocalhostUrl, g as safeJsonParse$1, f as formatJsonRpcError, h as parseConnectionError, J as JsonRpcProvider, j as isJsonRpcRequest, k as formatJsonRpcResult, l as isJsonRpcResult, m as isJsonRpcError, n as isJsonRpcResponse, o as formatJsonRpcRequest, H as HttpConnection } from "./index-f5510c95.js";
function tryStringify(o2) {
try {
return JSON.stringify(o2);

Zobrazit soubor

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { C as noop, s as safe_not_equal } from "./index-88d77172.js";
import { C as noop, s as safe_not_equal } from "./index-2a025a89.js";
const subscriber_queue = [];
function writable(value, start = noop) {
let stop;

Zobrazit soubor

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { e as commonjsGlobal } from "./_page-44f8490c.js";
import { e as commonjsGlobal } from "./_page-f40be2e6.js";
var eventsExports = {};
var events = {
get exports() {

Zobrazit soubor

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { S as SvelteComponent, i as init, s as safe_not_equal, k as element, q as text, a as space, l as claim_element, m as children, r as claim_text, h as detach, c as claim_space, b as insert_hydration, H as append_hydration, u as set_data, C as noop, Z as component_subscribe } from "../chunks/index-88d77172.js";
import { s as stores } from "../chunks/singletons-0b808b86.js";
import { S as SvelteComponent, i as init, s as safe_not_equal, k as element, q as text, a as space, l as claim_element, m as children, r as claim_text, h as detach, c as claim_space, b as insert_hydration, F as append_hydration, u as set_data, C as noop, X as component_subscribe } from "../chunks/index-2a025a89.js";
import { s as stores } from "../chunks/singletons-286ffebd.js";
const getStores = () => {
const stores$1 = stores;
return {

Zobrazit soubor

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { S as SvelteComponent, i as init, s as safe_not_equal, D as create_slot, k as element, a as space, q as text, E as svg_element, x as create_component, l as claim_element, m as children, h as detach, c as claim_space, r as claim_text, F as claim_svg_element, y as claim_component, G as src_url_equal, n as attr, b as insert_hydration, H as append_hydration, z as mount_component, I as listen, u as set_data, J as update_slot_base, K as get_all_dirty_from_scope, L as get_slot_changes, f as transition_in, t as transition_out, d as check_outros, M as destroy_each, A as destroy_component, N as run_all, o as onMount, C as noop, g as group_outros } from "../../chunks/index-88d77172.js";
import { S as SvelteMarkdown, a as animateText, h as handleAnchorClick, b as animateSection } from "../../chunks/helpers-c3e656fe.js";
import { S as SvelteComponent, i as init, s as safe_not_equal, D as create_slot, k as element, a as space, q as text, l as claim_element, m as children, h as detach, c as claim_space, r as claim_text, E as src_url_equal, n as attr, b as insert_hydration, F as append_hydration, G as listen, u as set_data, H as update_slot_base, I as get_all_dirty_from_scope, J as get_slot_changes, f as transition_in, t as transition_out, d as check_outros, K as destroy_each, L as run_all, o as onMount, C as noop, x as create_component, y as claim_component, z as mount_component, A as destroy_component, g as group_outros } from "../../chunks/index-2a025a89.js";
import { a as animateText, h as handleAnchorClick, S as SvelteMarkdown, b as animateSection } from "../../chunks/helpers-88229792.js";
const app = "";
function get_each_context(ctx, list, i) {
const child_ctx = ctx.slice();
@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ function create_if_block(ctx) {
h() {
attr(div, "class", "mt-4 text-sm text-supermild");
attr(div, "class", "mt-4 text-sm text-supermild text-right");
m(target, anchor) {
insert_hydration(target, div, anchor);
@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ function create_if_block(ctx) {
function create_fragment(ctx) {
let div25;
let div27;
let div7;
let div5;
let div4;
@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ function create_fragment(ctx) {
let div14;
let div13;
let div10;
let span;
let span0;
let t11_value = (
ctx[0] + ""
@ -439,8 +439,8 @@ function create_fragment(ctx) {
let t16;
let t17;
let footer;
let div24;
let div23;
let div26;
let div25;
let div19;
let div18;
let a3;
@ -449,25 +449,46 @@ function create_fragment(ctx) {
let img1_alt_value;
let a3_href_value;
let t18;
let div22;
let div24;
let div23;
let div20;
let a4;
let svg;
let path;
let a4_href_value;
let span1;
let t19;
let a5;
let t20;
let t21_value = (
let a4;
let t21;
let t22_value = (
ctx[0].config.twitter + ""
let t21;
let a5_href_value;
let t22;
let div21;
let sveltemarkdown;
let a4_href_value;
let t23;
let div21;
let span2;
let t24;
let t25;
let a5;
let t26;
let t27_value = (
ctx[0].config.bluesky + ""
let t27;
let a5_href_value;
let t28;
let div22;
let span3;
let t29;
let t30;
let a6;
let t31_value = (
ctx[0].config.matrix + ""
let t31;
let a6_href_value;
let t32;
let current;
let mounted;
let dispose;
@ -494,19 +515,13 @@ function create_fragment(ctx) {
sveltemarkdown = new SvelteMarkdown({
props: { source: (
) }
let if_block1 = (
ctx[0].config.license && create_if_block(ctx)
return {
c() {
div25 = element("div");
div27 = element("div");
div7 = element("div");
div5 = element("div");
div4 = element("div");
@ -544,7 +559,7 @@ function create_fragment(ctx) {
div14 = element("div");
div13 = element("div");
div10 = element("div");
span = element("span");
span0 = element("span");
t11 = text(t11_value);
t12 = text(" AT\n ");
a1 = element("a");
@ -560,34 +575,46 @@ function create_fragment(ctx) {
t17 = space();
footer = element("footer");
div24 = element("div");
div23 = element("div");
div26 = element("div");
div25 = element("div");
div19 = element("div");
div18 = element("div");
a3 = element("a");
img1 = element("img");
t18 = space();
div22 = element("div");
div24 = element("div");
div23 = element("div");
div20 = element("div");
span1 = element("span");
t19 = text("Twitter");
t20 = space();
a4 = element("a");
svg = svg_element("svg");
path = svg_element("path");
t19 = space();
a5 = element("a");
t20 = text("@");
t21 = text(t21_value);
t22 = space();
div21 = element("div");
t21 = text("@");
t22 = text(t22_value);
t23 = space();
div21 = element("div");
span2 = element("span");
t24 = text("Bluesky");
t25 = space();
a5 = element("a");
t26 = text("@");
t27 = text(t27_value);
t28 = space();
div22 = element("div");
span3 = element("span");
t29 = text("Matrix");
t30 = space();
a6 = element("a");
t31 = text(t31_value);
t32 = space();
if (if_block1)
l(nodes) {
div25 = claim_element(nodes, "DIV", { class: true });
var div25_nodes = children(div25);
div7 = claim_element(div25_nodes, "DIV", { class: true, id: true });
div27 = claim_element(nodes, "DIV", { class: true });
var div27_nodes = children(div27);
div7 = claim_element(div27_nodes, "DIV", { class: true, id: true });
var div7_nodes = children(div7);
div5 = claim_element(div7_nodes, "DIV", { class: true });
var div5_nodes = children(div5);
@ -627,8 +654,8 @@ function create_fragment(ctx) {
div6 = claim_element(div7_nodes, "DIV", { id: true });
t5 = claim_space(div25_nodes);
div17 = claim_element(div25_nodes, "DIV", { class: true, id: true });
t5 = claim_space(div27_nodes);
div17 = claim_element(div27_nodes, "DIV", { class: true, id: true });
var div17_nodes = children(div17);
div16 = claim_element(div17_nodes, "DIV", { class: true });
var div16_nodes = children(div16);
@ -656,10 +683,10 @@ function create_fragment(ctx) {
var div13_nodes = children(div13);
div10 = claim_element(div13_nodes, "DIV", { class: true });
var div10_nodes = children(div10);
span = claim_element(div10_nodes, "SPAN", { class: true });
var span_nodes = children(span);
t11 = claim_text(span_nodes, t11_value);
span0 = claim_element(div10_nodes, "SPAN", { class: true });
var span0_nodes = children(span0);
t11 = claim_text(span0_nodes, t11_value);
t12 = claim_text(div10_nodes, " AT\n ");
a1 = claim_element(div10_nodes, "A", { href: true, target: true, class: true });
var a1_nodes = children(a1);
@ -685,17 +712,17 @@ function create_fragment(ctx) {
t16 = claim_space(div25_nodes);
t16 = claim_space(div27_nodes);
if (default_slot)
t17 = claim_space(div25_nodes);
footer = claim_element(div25_nodes, "FOOTER", { class: true });
t17 = claim_space(div27_nodes);
footer = claim_element(div27_nodes, "FOOTER", { class: true });
var footer_nodes = children(footer);
div24 = claim_element(footer_nodes, "DIV", { class: true });
var div24_nodes = children(div24);
div23 = claim_element(div24_nodes, "DIV", { class: true });
var div23_nodes = children(div23);
div19 = claim_element(div23_nodes, "DIV", { class: true });
div26 = claim_element(footer_nodes, "DIV", { class: true });
var div26_nodes = children(div26);
div25 = claim_element(div26_nodes, "DIV", { class: true });
var div25_nodes = children(div25);
div19 = claim_element(div25_nodes, "DIV", { class: true });
var div19_nodes = children(div19);
div18 = claim_element(div19_nodes, "DIV", { class: true });
var div18_nodes = children(div18);
@ -705,39 +732,60 @@ function create_fragment(ctx) {
t18 = claim_space(div23_nodes);
div22 = claim_element(div23_nodes, "DIV", { class: true });
var div22_nodes = children(div22);
div20 = claim_element(div22_nodes, "DIV", { class: true });
t18 = claim_space(div25_nodes);
div24 = claim_element(div25_nodes, "DIV", { class: true });
var div24_nodes = children(div24);
div23 = claim_element(div24_nodes, "DIV", { class: true });
var div23_nodes = children(div23);
div20 = claim_element(div23_nodes, "DIV", {});
var div20_nodes = children(div20);
a4 = claim_element(div20_nodes, "A", { class: true, href: true });
span1 = claim_element(div20_nodes, "SPAN", { class: true });
var span1_nodes = children(span1);
t19 = claim_text(span1_nodes, "Twitter");
t20 = claim_space(div20_nodes);
a4 = claim_element(div20_nodes, "A", { href: true, class: true, target: true });
var a4_nodes = children(a4);
svg = claim_svg_element(a4_nodes, "svg", { viewBox: true, fill: true, xmlns: true });
var svg_nodes = children(svg);
path = claim_svg_element(svg_nodes, "path", { d: true, fill: true });
t21 = claim_text(a4_nodes, "@");
t22 = claim_text(a4_nodes, t22_value);
t19 = claim_space(div20_nodes);
a5 = claim_element(div20_nodes, "A", { href: true, class: true, target: true });
var a5_nodes = children(a5);
t20 = claim_text(a5_nodes, "@");
t21 = claim_text(a5_nodes, t21_value);
t22 = claim_space(div22_nodes);
div21 = claim_element(div22_nodes, "DIV", { class: true });
t23 = claim_space(div23_nodes);
div21 = claim_element(div23_nodes, "DIV", {});
var div21_nodes = children(div21);
claim_component(sveltemarkdown.$$.fragment, div21_nodes);
span2 = claim_element(div21_nodes, "SPAN", { class: true });
var span2_nodes = children(span2);
t24 = claim_text(span2_nodes, "Bluesky");
t25 = claim_space(div21_nodes);
a5 = claim_element(div21_nodes, "A", { href: true, class: true, target: true });
var a5_nodes = children(a5);
t26 = claim_text(a5_nodes, "@");
t27 = claim_text(a5_nodes, t27_value);
t23 = claim_space(div22_nodes);
if (if_block1)
t28 = claim_space(div23_nodes);
div22 = claim_element(div23_nodes, "DIV", {});
var div22_nodes = children(div22);
span3 = claim_element(div22_nodes, "SPAN", { class: true });
var span3_nodes = children(span3);
t29 = claim_text(span3_nodes, "Matrix");
t30 = claim_space(div22_nodes);
a6 = claim_element(div22_nodes, "A", { href: true, class: true, target: true });
var a6_nodes = children(a6);
t31 = claim_text(a6_nodes, t31_value);
t32 = claim_space(div26_nodes);
if (if_block1)
h() {
@ -760,7 +808,7 @@ function create_fragment(ctx) {
attr(div8, "class", "text-4xl md:text-6xl font-bold mb-4 md:mb-8 animation-crypt font-mono2 font-thin lowercase");
attr(p0, "class", "italic");
attr(div9, "class", "mt-12 text-xl mx-4");
attr(span, "class", "font-medium block sm:inline-block");
attr(span0, "class", "font-medium block sm:inline-block");
attr(a1, "href", a1_href_value = /*data*/
attr(a1, "target", "_blank");
@ -783,31 +831,33 @@ function create_fragment(ctx) {
attr(a3, "href", a3_href_value = /*data*/
attr(div18, "class", "w-32 lg:w-48");
attr(div18, "class", "w-28 sm:w-32 lg:w-48");
attr(div19, "class", "grow");
attr(path, "d", "M28.0266 3.12733C26.9955 3.62938 25.8872 3.96853 24.7242 4.12112C25.9113 3.34005 26.8231 2.10325 27.2524 0.629411C26.1413 1.35279 24.9107 1.87791 23.6009 2.16092C22.5522 0.934264 21.0578 0.167969 19.4039 0.167969C16.2285 0.167969 13.6538 2.99367 13.6538 6.47907C13.6538 6.97373 13.7047 7.45548 13.8028 7.91738C9.02398 7.6542 4.78719 5.14151 1.95117 1.3231C1.45622 2.25521 1.17259 3.33929 1.17259 4.49596C1.17259 6.68564 2.18771 8.61738 3.73058 9.74913C2.78804 9.71637 1.90142 9.43244 1.1262 8.95977C1.12555 8.98607 1.12555 9.01252 1.12555 9.03913C1.12555 12.0969 3.1076 14.6476 5.73804 15.2278C5.25556 15.3721 4.74758 15.4491 4.2232 15.4491C3.85268 15.4491 3.49255 15.4095 3.14137 15.3359C3.87315 17.8432 5.99658 19.6679 8.51282 19.7187C6.54493 21.4115 4.06569 22.4206 1.37163 22.4206C0.907503 22.4206 0.449828 22.3906 0 22.3323C2.54468 24.1231 5.56708 25.168 8.81424 25.168C19.3905 25.168 25.1742 15.5511 25.1742 7.21076C25.1742 6.93712 25.1686 6.66503 25.1576 6.39416C26.2809 5.50451 27.2556 4.39306 28.0265 3.12733H28.0266Z");
attr(path, "fill", "white");
attr(svg, "viewBox", "0 0 29 26");
attr(svg, "fill", "none");
attr(svg, "xmlns", "");
attr(a4, "class", "inline-block w-5 mr-1");
attr(span1, "class", "font-mono2 lowercase");
attr(a4, "href", a4_href_value = "" + /*data*/
attr(a5, "href", a5_href_value = "" + /*data*/
attr(a5, "class", "text-xl no-underline hover:underline external animate-section");
attr(a4, "class", "text-md no-underline hover:underline external animate-section");
attr(a4, "target", "_blank");
attr(span2, "class", "font-mono2 lowercase");
attr(a5, "href", a5_href_value = /*data*/
attr(a5, "class", "external animate-section text-md no-underline hover:underline");
attr(a5, "target", "_blank");
attr(div20, "class", "");
attr(div21, "class", "mt-4 text-mild");
attr(div22, "class", "text-right");
attr(div23, "class", "flex gap-4");
attr(div24, "class", "middle-pane-big pt-10 mx-auto");
attr(span3, "class", "font-mono2 lowercase");
attr(a6, "href", a6_href_value = /*data*/
attr(a6, "class", "external animate-section text-md no-underline hover:underline");
attr(a6, "target", "_blank");
attr(div23, "class", "text-sm flex flex-wrap gap-2 sm:gap-4 ml-8 mb-8 text-mild");
attr(div24, "class", "text-right");
attr(div25, "class", "flex gap-4");
attr(div26, "class", "middle-pane-big pt-10 mx-auto");
attr(footer, "class", "pb-16 bg-black");
attr(div25, "class", "relative w-full min-h-screen text-white");
attr(div27, "class", "relative w-full min-h-screen text-white");
m(target, anchor) {
insert_hydration(target, div25, anchor);
append_hydration(div25, div7);
insert_hydration(target, div27, anchor);
append_hydration(div27, div7);
append_hydration(div7, div5);
append_hydration(div5, div4);
append_hydration(div4, div3);
@ -828,8 +878,8 @@ function create_fragment(ctx) {
if_block0.m(div5, null);
append_hydration(div7, t4);
append_hydration(div7, div6);
append_hydration(div25, t5);
append_hydration(div25, div17);
append_hydration(div27, t5);
append_hydration(div27, div17);
append_hydration(div17, div16);
append_hydration(div16, div15);
append_hydration(div15, div8);
@ -844,8 +894,8 @@ function create_fragment(ctx) {
append_hydration(div15, div14);
append_hydration(div14, div13);
append_hydration(div13, div10);
append_hydration(div10, span);
append_hydration(span, t11);
append_hydration(div10, span0);
append_hydration(span0, t11);
append_hydration(div10, t12);
append_hydration(div10, a1);
append_hydration(a1, t13);
@ -855,34 +905,46 @@ function create_fragment(ctx) {
append_hydration(a2, button1);
append_hydration(button1, div11);
append_hydration(div11, t15);
append_hydration(div25, t16);
append_hydration(div27, t16);
if (default_slot) {
default_slot.m(div25, null);
default_slot.m(div27, null);
append_hydration(div25, t17);
append_hydration(div25, footer);
append_hydration(footer, div24);
append_hydration(div24, div23);
append_hydration(div23, div19);
append_hydration(div27, t17);
append_hydration(div27, footer);
append_hydration(footer, div26);
append_hydration(div26, div25);
append_hydration(div25, div19);
append_hydration(div19, div18);
append_hydration(div18, a3);
append_hydration(a3, img1);
append_hydration(div23, t18);
append_hydration(div23, div22);
append_hydration(div22, div20);
append_hydration(div25, t18);
append_hydration(div25, div24);
append_hydration(div24, div23);
append_hydration(div23, div20);
append_hydration(div20, span1);
append_hydration(span1, t19);
append_hydration(div20, t20);
append_hydration(div20, a4);
append_hydration(a4, svg);
append_hydration(svg, path);
append_hydration(div20, t19);
append_hydration(div20, a5);
append_hydration(a5, t20);
append_hydration(a5, t21);
append_hydration(div22, t22);
append_hydration(div22, div21);
mount_component(sveltemarkdown, div21, null);
append_hydration(div22, t23);
append_hydration(a4, t21);
append_hydration(a4, t22);
append_hydration(div23, t23);
append_hydration(div23, div21);
append_hydration(div21, span2);
append_hydration(span2, t24);
append_hydration(div21, t25);
append_hydration(div21, a5);
append_hydration(a5, t26);
append_hydration(a5, t27);
append_hydration(div23, t28);
append_hydration(div23, div22);
append_hydration(div22, span3);
append_hydration(span3, t29);
append_hydration(div22, t30);
append_hydration(div22, a6);
append_hydration(a6, t31);
append_hydration(div26, t32);
if (if_block1)
if_block1.m(div22, null);
if_block1.m(div26, null);
current = true;
if (!mounted) {
dispose = [
@ -895,7 +957,7 @@ function create_fragment(ctx) {
listen(div8, "mouseenter", animateText),
listen(div11, "mouseenter", animateText),
listen(a2, "click", handleAnchorClick),
listen(div20, "mouseenter", animateSection())
listen(div23, "mouseenter", animateSection())
mounted = true;
@ -1005,26 +1067,33 @@ function create_fragment(ctx) {
ctx2[0].config.parentUrl)) {
attr(a3, "href", a3_href_value);
if ((!current || dirty & /*data*/
1) && t22_value !== (t22_value = /*data*/
ctx2[0].config.twitter + ""))
set_data(t22, t22_value);
if (!current || dirty & /*data*/
1 && a4_href_value !== (a4_href_value = "" + /*data*/
ctx2[0].config.twitter)) {
attr(a4, "href", a4_href_value);
if ((!current || dirty & /*data*/
1) && t21_value !== (t21_value = /*data*/
ctx2[0].config.twitter + ""))
set_data(t21, t21_value);
1) && t27_value !== (t27_value = /*data*/
ctx2[0].config.bluesky + ""))
set_data(t27, t27_value);
if (!current || dirty & /*data*/
1 && a5_href_value !== (a5_href_value = "" + /*data*/
ctx2[0].config.twitter)) {
1 && a5_href_value !== (a5_href_value = /*data*/
ctx2[0].config.blueskyUrl)) {
attr(a5, "href", a5_href_value);
const sveltemarkdown_changes = {};
if (dirty & /*data*/
sveltemarkdown_changes.source = /*data*/
if ((!current || dirty & /*data*/
1) && t31_value !== (t31_value = /*data*/
ctx2[0].config.matrix + ""))
set_data(t31, t31_value);
if (!current || dirty & /*data*/
1 && a6_href_value !== (a6_href_value = /*data*/
ctx2[0].config.matrixUrl)) {
attr(a6, "href", a6_href_value);
if (
@ -1039,7 +1108,7 @@ function create_fragment(ctx) {
if_block1 = create_if_block(ctx2);
transition_in(if_block1, 1);
if_block1.m(div22, null);
if_block1.m(div26, null);
} else if (if_block1) {
@ -1053,25 +1122,22 @@ function create_fragment(ctx) {
if (current)
transition_in(default_slot, local);
transition_in(sveltemarkdown.$$.fragment, local);
current = true;
o(local) {
transition_out(default_slot, local);
transition_out(sveltemarkdown.$$.fragment, local);
current = false;
d(detaching) {
if (detaching)
destroy_each(each_blocks, detaching);
if (if_block0)
if (default_slot)
if (if_block1)
mounted = false;

Zobrazit soubor

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
import "../../chunks/index-88d77172.js";
import "../../chunks/helpers-c3e656fe.js";
import { P } from "../../chunks/_page-44f8490c.js";
export {
P as default

Zobrazit soubor

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
import "../../chunks/index-2a025a89.js";
import "../../chunks/helpers-88229792.js";
import { P } from "../../chunks/_page-f40be2e6.js";
export {
P as default

Zobrazit soubor

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
import { l } from "../../chunks/_layout-4d9009ea.js";
export {
l as load

Zobrazit soubor

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
import { l } from "../../chunks/_layout-af7f8bc9.js";
export {
l as load

Zobrazit soubor

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { S as SvelteComponent, i as init, s as safe_not_equal, a as space, e as empty, c as claim_space, b as insert_hydration, g as group_outros, t as transition_out, d as check_outros, f as transition_in, h as detach, j as afterUpdate, o as onMount, k as element, l as claim_element, m as children, n as attr, p as set_style, q as text, r as claim_text, u as set_data, v as binding_callbacks, w as construct_svelte_component, x as create_component, y as claim_component, z as mount_component, A as destroy_component, B as tick } from "./chunks/index-88d77172.js";
import { S as SCROLL_KEY, a as SNAPSHOT_KEY, I as INDEX_KEY, g as get_base_uri, f as find_anchor, b as get_link_info, c as get_router_options, s as stores, i as is_external_url, d as scroll_state, e as base, P as PRELOAD_PRIORITIES, h as init$1, j as set_assets, k as set_version } from "./chunks/singletons-0b808b86.js";
import { S as SvelteComponent, i as init, s as safe_not_equal, a as space, e as empty, c as claim_space, b as insert_hydration, g as group_outros, t as transition_out, d as check_outros, f as transition_in, h as detach, j as afterUpdate, o as onMount, k as element, l as claim_element, m as children, n as attr, p as set_style, q as text, r as claim_text, u as set_data, v as binding_callbacks, w as construct_svelte_component, x as create_component, y as claim_component, z as mount_component, A as destroy_component, B as tick } from "./chunks/index-2a025a89.js";
import { S as SCROLL_KEY, a as SNAPSHOT_KEY, I as INDEX_KEY, g as get_base_uri, f as find_anchor, b as get_link_info, c as get_router_options, s as stores, i as is_external_url, d as scroll_state, e as base, P as PRELOAD_PRIORITIES, h as init$1, j as set_assets, k as set_version } from "./chunks/singletons-286ffebd.js";
import { _ as __vitePreload } from "./chunks/preload-helper-f8376bb0.js";
function normalize_path(path, trailing_slash) {
if (path === "/" || trailing_slash === "ignore")
@ -857,9 +857,9 @@ class Root extends SvelteComponent {
const matchers = {};
const nodes = [
() => __vitePreload(() => import("./chunks/0-38a76973.js"), true ? ["./chunks/0-38a76973.js","./chunks/_layout-4d9009ea.js","./components/pages/_layout.svelte-9a05cfe8.js","./chunks/index-88d77172.js","./chunks/helpers-c3e656fe.js","./assets/_layout-a8291257.css"] : void 0, import.meta.url),
() => __vitePreload(() => import("./chunks/1-8bc57e9d.js"), true ? ["./chunks/1-8bc57e9d.js","./components/error.svelte-0198a771.js","./chunks/index-88d77172.js","./chunks/singletons-0b808b86.js"] : void 0, import.meta.url),
() => __vitePreload(() => import("./chunks/2-1e634693.js"), true ? ["./chunks/2-1e634693.js","./chunks/_page-44f8490c.js","./chunks/index-88d77172.js","./chunks/helpers-c3e656fe.js","./chunks/singletons-0b808b86.js","./chunks/preload-helper-f8376bb0.js"] : void 0, import.meta.url)
() => __vitePreload(() => import("./chunks/0-1ba26966.js"), true ? ["./chunks/0-1ba26966.js","./chunks/_layout-af7f8bc9.js","./components/pages/_layout.svelte-344e9f1e.js","./chunks/index-2a025a89.js","./chunks/helpers-88229792.js","./assets/_layout-aa5bf70e.css"] : void 0, import.meta.url),
() => __vitePreload(() => import("./chunks/1-1b14460c.js"), true ? ["./chunks/1-1b14460c.js","./components/error.svelte-67e543b8.js","./chunks/index-2a025a89.js","./chunks/singletons-286ffebd.js"] : void 0, import.meta.url),
() => __vitePreload(() => import("./chunks/2-b0c593fd.js"), true ? ["./chunks/2-b0c593fd.js","./chunks/_page-f40be2e6.js","./chunks/index-2a025a89.js","./chunks/helpers-88229792.js","./chunks/singletons-286ffebd.js","./chunks/preload-helper-f8376bb0.js"] : void 0, import.meta.url)
const server_loads = [];
const dictionary = {

Zobrazit soubor

@ -1 +1 @@

Zobrazit soubor

@ -7,6 +7,10 @@
"image": "/banner-square.png",
"logo": "/logo.svg",
"twitter": "web3privacy",
"matrix": "",
"matrixUrl": "",
"bluesky": "",
"blueskyUrl": "",
"parent": "Web3Privacy Now",
"venueMapUrl": "",
"parentUrl": "",

Zobrazit soubor

@ -6,17 +6,17 @@
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<div class="mt-4 text-mild"><p>💛 Collaboration of <a href="">Web3Privacy Now</a> &amp; <a href="">ETHBrno</a> team</p></div>
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