import Ajv from "npm:ajv@8.8.2"; import addFormats from "npm:ajv-formats@2.1.1"; import { load as yamlLoad } from ""; import { emptyDir } from ""; const types = [ "summits", "meetups" ] async function _loadYaml(fn) { return yamlLoad(await Deno.readTextFile(fn)); } async function test() { const ajv = new Ajv({ strict: false }); addFormats(ajv); const schema = await _loadYaml("./schema.yaml"); const validator = ajv.compile(schema); for (const type of types) { Deno.test(`Check schema: ${type}`, async () => { const list = await _loadYaml(`./events/${type}.yaml`); if (!validator(list)) { throw validator.errors; } }) } } async function build() { const output = {} for (const type of types) { const list = await _loadYaml(`./events/${type}.yaml`); output[type] = list } await emptyDir("./dist") const fn = "./dist/index.json" await Deno.writeTextFile(fn, JSON.stringify(output, null, 2)) console.log(`File saved: `) } switch (Deno.args[0] || "test") { case "test": await test(); break; case "build": await build(); break; }