import { emptyDir, exists } from '' import { copy } from '' import { load } from '' const baseUrl = '' const banner = ` ██╗░░░██╗████████╗██╗░░██╗░█████╗░ ██║░░░██║╚══██╔══╝╚██╗██╔╝██╔══██╗ ██║░░░██║░░░██║░░░░╚███╔╝░██║░░██║ ██║░░░██║░░░██║░░░░██╔██╗░██║░░██║ ╚██████╔╝░░░██║░░░██╔╝╚██╗╚█████╔╝ ░╚═════╝░░░░╚═╝░░░╚═╝░░╚═╝░╚════╝░ ` export class UTXOEngine { constructor (options = {}) { this.options = options this.srcDir = this.options.srcDir || './spec' if (!this.options.silent) { console.log(banner) } this.imageTypes = [ ['web', 'png'], ['web', 'webp'], ['web', 'jpg'], ['sm', 'png'], ['sm', 'webp'], ['twitter', 'jpg'] ] } async init () { this.entries = {} for await (const f of Deno.readDir(this.srcDir)) { if (!^\d+$/)) { continue } const specDir = [this.srcDir,].join('/') const entry = this.entries[] = {} // load index entry.index = await this._yamlLoad([specDir, 'index.yaml'].join('/')) // load sub-specs entry.specs = {} for (const sp of entry.index.specDef) { entry.specs[sp.type] = await this._yamlLoad([specDir, `${sp.type}.yaml`].join('/')) // post processing of sub-specs switch (sp.type) { case 'speakers': for (const s of entry.specs[sp.type]) { if (! { = [] } for (const [it, format] of this.imageTypes) { if (await exists([this.srcDir,, 'photos', 'speakers', `${}-${it}.${format}`].join('/'))) {`${it}:${format}`) } } } break } } } if (!this.options.silent) { console.log(`UTXO entries: [ ${Object.keys(this.entries).join(', ')} ]\n`) } } entriesList () { return Object.keys(this.entries) } async build (outputDir) { await emptyDir(outputDir) const entriesIndex = [] for (const entryId of Object.keys(this.entries)) { if (!this.options.silent) { console.log(`UTXO.${entryId}: building specs ..`) } const entry = this.entries[entryId] const entryDir = [outputDir, entryId].join('/') await emptyDir(entryDir) // write sub-specs const specEndpoints = {} for (const specName of Object.keys(entry.specs)) { await this._jsonWrite([entryDir, `${specName}.json`], entry.specs[specName]) specEndpoints[specName] = `${baseUrl}/${entryId}/${specName}.json` } // write index const index = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(entry.index)) delete index.specDef index.spec = specEndpoints index.stats = { tracks: entry.specs.tracks.length, speakers: entry.specs.speakers.length, events:, faqs: entry.specs.faqs.length } await this._jsonWrite([entryDir, 'index.json'], index) // write bundle const bundle = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(index)) bundle.spec = entry.specs await this._jsonWrite([entryDir, 'bundle.json'], bundle) // copy photos const outputPhotosDir = [entryDir, 'photos'].join('/') if (!this.options.silent) { console.log(`UTXO.${entryId}: copying photos ..`) console.log(`copying photos to ${outputPhotosDir}`) } await copy([this.srcDir, entryId, 'photos'].join('/'), outputPhotosDir, { overwrite: true }) entriesIndex.push({ id: `utxo${entryId}`, entryId, url: `${baseUrl}/${entryId}` }) } // write global index await this._jsonWrite([outputDir, 'index.json'], entriesIndex) if (!this.options.silent) { console.log('\nBuild done') } } async schemas () { const schemaDir = './utils/schema' const arr = [] for await (const f of Deno.readDir(schemaDir)) { const m =^(.+)\.yaml$/) if (!m) { continue } arr.push({ name: m[1], schema: await this._yamlLoad([schemaDir,].join('/')) }) } return arr } async _yamlLoad (fn) { return load(await Deno.readTextFile(fn)) } async _jsonWrite (fn, data) { if (Array.isArray(fn)) { fn = fn.join('/') } await Deno.writeTextFile(fn, JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)) if (!this.options.silent) { console.log(`${fn} writed`) } return true } }