import { format, parse } from ""; import { UTXOEngine } from "./engine.js"; import { MultiProgressBar } from ""; import { createHash } from ""; const utxo = new UTXOEngine({ silent: true }); await utxo.init(); const entry = utxo.entries["22"]; const specs = entry.specs; const index = entry.index; function shuffle(array) { let currentIndex = array.length, randomIndex; // While there remain elements to shuffle. while (currentIndex != 0) { // Pick a remaining element. randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex); currentIndex--; // And swap it with the current element. [array[currentIndex], array[randomIndex]] = [ array[randomIndex], array[currentIndex], ]; } return array; } function rand(max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * max); } function genId(used) { const chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"; //const numbers = ""; let output = null; for (const n of chars) { for (const ch of chars) { output = `${n}${ch}`; if (used.includes(output)) { continue; } return output; } } return false; } class UTXOPlanner { constructor() { this.eventsAll =; this.eventsOriginal = => ev.type !== "lightning" && ev.duration ); for (const ev of this.eventsOriginal) { if (ev.type === "lightning-series") { let sarr = []; for ( const sp of this.eventsAll.filter((e) => e.parent === (e) => e.speakers, ) ) { sarr = sarr.concat(sp); } ev.speakers = sarr; } } = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.eventsOriginal)); this.stages = specs.stages; this.startTime = new Date(); this.schedule = []; this.unscheduled = []; this.priorityLevel = 10; this.tries = {}; this.slotDuration = 30 * 60 * 1000; // normalize stages for (const stage of this.stages) { stage.timesFull = => this.parsePeriod(st)); } for (const ev of { const haveAfter = => { return ((e.after && e.after.includes( || e.rightAfter ===; }); const rev = => e.rightAfter ===; ev.rightAfterEvent = rev ? : null; let haveAvailability = null; for (const spId of ev.speakers) { const sp = specs.speakers.find((s) => === spId); if (sp.available) { haveAvailability = true; } } //ev.priority = haveAfter.length > 0 ? 10 : (haveAvailability ? 5 : (ev.fixed ? 2 : 0)); ev.priority = 0; } } parsePeriod(str) { const [dayNumber, period] = str.split("/"); const [start, end] = period.split("-"); const date = index.dates[Number(dayNumber) - 1]; const endDate = end > start ? date : format( new Date((new Date(date)).getTime() + (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)), "yyyy-MM-dd", ); return { start: parse(`${date} ${start}`, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"), end: parse(`${endDate} ${end}`, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"), }; } addEvent(ev, data) { this.schedule.push({ id: genId( =>, date: format(data.period.start, "yyyy-MM-dd"), stage: data.stage, period: data.period, event:, });, 1); /*console.log( `Event ${} scheduled: ${data.stage} ${JSON.stringify(data.period)}`, );*/ } addFixedTimeEvent(ev) { this.addEvent(ev, { stage: ev.fixed.stage, period: this.parsePeriod(ev.fixed.time), }); } findConflicts(stage, period) { for (const si of this.schedule) { if (si.stage !== { continue; } if ( si.period.start.getTime() < period.end.getTime() && si.period.end.getTime() > period.start.getTime() ) { return 1; } } return 0; } eventPeriod(ev, start) { return { start, end: new Date( start.getTime() + (Math.ceil(ev.duration / 30) * 30) * 60 * 1000, ), }; } findSlotInStages(ev, stages, fixedDate = null, randomize = true) { for (const stage of shuffle(stages)) { const segments = stage.timesFull.filter((s) => { return !fixedDate || (fixedDate && format(s.start, "yyyy-MM-dd") === fixedDate); }); for (const segment of (randomize ? shuffle(segments) : segments)) { let slotInSegment = (segment.end.getTime() - segment.start.getTime()) / this.slotDuration; let slots = []; for (let i = 0; i < slotInSegment; i++) { slots.push( new Date(segment.start.getTime() + (this.slotDuration * i)), ); } const slotDir = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2); slots = randomize && slotDir === 1 ? slots.reverse() : slots; for (const slot of slots) { //console.log(slot, ctime) const evPeriod = this.eventPeriod(ev, slot); if (evPeriod.end.getTime() <= segment.end.getTime()) { const conflicts = this.findConflicts(stage, evPeriod); //console.log(evPeriod, conflicts) if (conflicts === 0) { if (this.eventSlotValidator(ev, evPeriod, stage)) { return [stage, evPeriod]; } } } } } } return [null, null]; } isPeriodOverlap(x, y) { return (x.start.getTime() < y.end.getTime() && x.end.getTime() > y.start.getTime()); } eventSlotValidator(ev, slot, stage) { // check "after" if (ev.after) { for (const tId of ev.after) { const target = this.schedule.find((si) => si.event === tId); if (!target) { return false; } if (target.period.end.getTime() > slot.start.getTime()) { return false; } } } // check "rightAfter" if (ev.rightAfter) { const target = this.schedule.find((si) => si.event === ev.rightAfter); if (!target) { return false; } if (target.stage !== { return false; } if (target.period.end.getTime() !== slot.start.getTime()) { return false; } } // check speakers for (const si of this.schedule) { const sev = this.eventsOriginal.find((e) => === si.event); const speakers = ev.speakers.reduce( (prev, current) => sev.speakers.includes(current) ? prev + 1 : prev, 0, ); if (speakers > 0) { if (this.isPeriodOverlap(si.period, slot)) { return false; } } } // check speakers availability for (const spId of ev.speakers) { const sp = specs.speakers.find((s) => === spId); if (!sp) { continue; } if (sp.available) { let okey = false; for (const spa of sp.available) { if ( this.isPeriodOverlap({ start: new Date(spa.from), end: new Date(, }, slot) ) { okey = true; } } if (!okey) { return false; } } } return true; } iterate() { let priorityEvents = => e.priority > 0); if (priorityEvents.length === 0) { priorityEvents = => !["workshop", "campfire"].includes(e.type) ); } /*if (priorityEvents.length === 0) { priorityEvents = => !["campfire"].includes(e.type) ); }*/ /*if (priorityEvents.length === 0) { priorityEvents = => e.type !== "campfire"); }*/ const events = priorityEvents.length > 0 ? priorityEvents :; //const events = //const rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * events.length); //const ev = events[rand]; const ev = events[0]; if (!this.tries[]) { this.tries[] = 0; } this.tries[]++; if (this.tries[] > 30) {, 1); this.unscheduled.push(; //console.log('Max tries reached', return null; } const availStages = this.stages.filter((st) => st.types.includes(ev.type)); if (availStages.length === 0) {, 1); this.unscheduled.push(; return null; } let stages = availStages; if (ev.fixed && ev.fixed.stage) { if (!availStages.find((s) => === ev.fixed.stage)) {, 1); this.unscheduled.push(; return null; } stages = availStages.filter((s) => === ev.fixed.stage); } if (ev.fixed && ev.fixed.stages) { stages = availStages.filter((s) => ev.fixed.stages.includes(; } if (stages.length === 0) { return null; } const [stage, slot] = this.findSlotInStages( ev, stages, ev.fixed && ? : null, ); //console.log(stage,slot) if (slot) { //console.log(format(slot.start, 'dd HH:mm'),,, ev.priority) this.addEvent(ev, { stage:, period: slot }); if (ev.rightAfterEvent) { const rev = => === ev.rightAfterEvent); //console.log(ev.rightAfterEvent) const [_, rslot] = this.findSlotInStages( rev, [stage], ev.fixed && ? : null, false, ); if (rslot && rslot.start.getTime() === slot.end.getTime()) { this.addEvent(rev, { stage:, period: rslot }); } else { this.tries[] = 1000; return null; } } } else { ///console.log('unscheduled', this.unscheduled.push(ev); return; } const diff = (new Date()).getTime() - this.startTime.getTime(); if ((new Date()).getTime() - this.startTime.getTime() > (1000 * 3)) { console.log( =>; } //Deno.exit() } plan() { // nejprve umistime fixed for ( const ev of => e.fixed && e.fixed.time) ) { this.addFixedTimeEvent(ev); } while ( > 0) { if (this.unscheduled.length > 0) { return null; } this.iterate(); } // calculate metrics for (const si of this.schedule) { const ev = this.eventsOriginal.find((e) => === si.event); // calculate themes crossing const crossings = []; for (const ssi of this.schedule) { if (ssi.event === si.event) { continue; } if (this.isPeriodOverlap(si.period, ssi.period)) { const eev = this.eventsOriginal.find((e) => === ssi.event); const tagsCrossing = ev.tags.reduce((prev, cur) => prev + (eev.tags.includes(cur) ? 0 : 1), 0) / ev.tags.length; crossings.push([ ev.track === eev.track && !["zaklady", "spolecnost"].includes(ev.track) ? 0 : 1, tagsCrossing, ssi, ]); } } // calculate exlusivity deviation let exclusivityDev = 1; if (ev.popularity) { const stage = this.stages.find((s) => === si.stage); if (stage.exclusivity) { exclusivityDev = 1 - (ev.popularity > stage.exclusivity ? (ev.popularity - stage.exclusivity) : (stage.exclusivity - ev.popularity)); } } si.metrics = { themeCrossing: (crossings.reduce((prev, cur) => prev + cur[0], 0) / crossings.length), tagsCrossing: (crossings.reduce((prev, cur) => prev + cur[1], 0) / crossings.length), exclusivityDev, }; } } calcScheduleMetric(metric) { return this.schedule.reduce( (prev, cur) => prev + (cur.metrics && cur.metrics[metric] ? cur.metrics[metric] : 1), 0, ) / this.schedule.length; } metrics() { const cols = ["themeCrossing", "tagsCrossing", "exclusivityDev"]; const obj = {}; let total = 0; for (const col of cols) { obj[col] = this.calcScheduleMetric(col); total += obj[col]; } obj.score = total / cols.length; return obj; } formatTime() { } renderResults() { console.log("----------------"); for (const date of index.dates) { const dateItems = this.schedule.filter((s) => { return s.period.start.getTime() < parse(`${date} 23:59`, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm").getTime() && s.period.start.getTime() > parse(`${date} 00:00`, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm").getTime(); }); console.log(`[${date}]`); for (const stage of this.stages) { console.log(` [${}]`); const items = dateItems.filter((s) => s.stage === x, y, ) => x.period.start > y.period.start ? 1 : -1); for (const item of items) { console.log( ` ${format(item.period.start, "HH:mm")}-${ format(item.period.end, "HH:mm") } ~ ${item.event}`, ); } } } console.log( `Events: ${this.eventsOriginal.length}, assigned: ${this.schedule.length}, unscheduled: ${this.unscheduled}`, ); } hash() { const sorted = this.schedule .sort((x, y) => x.event > y.event ? 1 : -1) .sort((x, y) => x.stage > y.stage ? 1 : -1) .sort((x, y) => x.period.start > y.period.start ? 1 : -1); const hashFn = createHash("sha256"); hashFn.update(JSON.stringify(sorted)); return hashFn.toString(); } } function infoStats(startTime, numResults) { const duration = ((new Date()).getTime() - startTime.getTime()); const perSecond = Math.round((numResults / (duration / 1000)) * 100) / 100; const timePerItem = Math.round((duration / numResults) * 100) / 100; return `Duration: ${duration / 1000}s, ${perSecond} solutions/s, ${ timePerItem / 1000 }s per item`; } async function main() { const limit = null; let i = 0; const numResults = Deno.args[0] || 10; const appendResults = Boolean(Deno.args[1]) || false; const startTime = new Date(); console.log("Planning started .."); console.log(`Looking for ${numResults} results`); console.log(`Append results: ${appendResults}`); const plans = []; while (limit ? i < limit : true) { const planner = new UTXOPlanner(); planner.plan(); //console.log(JSON.stringify(planner.unscheduled)) if (planner.unscheduled.length === 0) { //planner.renderResults() const hash = planner.hash(); const metrics = planner.metrics(); console.log( `solution #${plans.length + 1} : [${ hash.substring(0, 8) }] score ${metrics.score} {thc: ${metrics.themeCrossing}, tgs: ${metrics.tagsCrossing}, exd: ${metrics.exclusivityDev}}`, ); //console.log(`----\nPlan found after ${i} tries`) //break if (plans.find((p) => p.hash === hash)) { console.log(`Duplicated plan! ${hash}`); } else { plans.push({ schedule: planner.schedule, metrics, hash, time: new Date(), }); } } function bestScore() { return Math.round( plans.reduce((prev, cur) => { if (cur.metrics.score > prev) { return cur.metrics.score; } return prev; }, 0) * 10000, ) / 10000; } if (plans.length >= numResults) { console.log( "---------------------\n" + infoStats(startTime, plans.length) + `, best score: ${bestScore()}`, ); const outputFn = "./dist/22/schedule-candidates.json"; if (appendResults) { const current = JSON.parse(await Deno.readTextFile(outputFn)); for (const fi of plans) { if (current.find((c) => c.hash === fi.hash)) { continue; } current.push(fi); } const filtered = current.sort((x, y) => x.metrics.score > y.metrics.score ? -1 : 1 ).slice(0, 10); console.log(`Appending result: ${outputFn}`); Deno.writeTextFile(outputFn, JSON.stringify(filtered, null, 2)); } else { const filtered = plans.sort((x, y) => x.metrics.score > y.metrics.score ? -1 : 1 ).slice(0, 10); console.log(`Writing result: ${outputFn}`); Deno.writeTextFile(outputFn, JSON.stringify(filtered, null, 2)); } break; } if (i % 1000 === 0) { console.log( `${i}/${limit || "∞"} - solutions: ${plans.length}, ${ infoStats(startTime, plans.length) }, best score: ${bestScore()}`, ); } i++; } } main();