import { config } from ""; import SimpleTwitter from ""; import { Table } from ""; import { UTXOEngine } from "./engine.js"; import { exists } from ""; import { fromStreamReader } from ""; const utxo = new UTXOEngine({ silent: true }); await utxo.init(); config({ path: ".env", export: true }); const twitterImagesPath = "./spec/22/photos/"; const simple_twitter = new SimpleTwitter({ consumer_key: Deno.env.get("CONSUMER_KEY"), consumer_secret: Deno.env.get("CONSUMER_SECRET"), access_token: Deno.env.get("ACCESS_TOKEN"), access_token_secret: Deno.env.get("ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET"), bearer_token: Deno.env.get("BEARER_TOKEN"), }); const entryId = "22"; const entry = utxo.entries[entryId]; const collections = ["speakers", "partners", "projects"]; const arr = []; let total = 0; let items = []; async function fetchImageAndSave(tw, imageFn) { if (!await exists(imageFn)) { const url = tw.profile_image_url_https.replace("_normal", ""); const res = await fetch(url); const file = await, { create: true, write: true }); const reader = fromStreamReader(res.body.getReader()); await Deno.copy(reader, file); file.close(); console.log(`Saved file: ${imageFn} (url=${url})`); } } for (const col of collections) { for (const sp of entry.specs[col]) { if (!sp.twitter) { continue; } if ( Deno.args[0] === "photos" && => x.match(/^twitter:/)) ) { continue; } const tw = await twitterUser(sp.twitter); if (!tw) { continue; } await fetchImageAndSave( tw, twitterImagesPath + col + "/" + + "-twitter.jpg", ); items.push([ `${col}${sp.type ? ":" + sp.type : ""}`, tw.screen_name, tw.followers_count, ]); total += tw.followers_count; } } arr.push(...items.sort((x, y) => x[2] < y[2] ? 1 : -1)); arr.push([]); arr.push(["total", "", total]); const table = Table.from(arr); if (!Deno.args[0]) { console.log("\nTwitter followers count:\n\n" + table.toString() + "\n"); } async function twitterUser(screen_name) { const resp = await simple_twitter.get("users/lookup", { screen_name }); if (resp.length === 1) { return resp[0]; } return null; }