import { load } from ""; import { format } from ""; const cols = { speakers: { title: "Přednášející", url: "lide" }, events: { title: "Události", url: "udalosti" }, partners: { title: "Partneři", url: "#partneri" }, }; const types = { added: { title: "přidáno" }, removed: { title: "odebráno" }, }; async function runCommand(cmd) { //console.log(cmd.join(' ')) const p = await{ cmd, stdout: "piped", stderr: "piped" }); /*const pStatus = await p.status(); if (pStatus.code !== 0) { const err = new TextDecoder().decode(await p.stderrOutput()) throw err; }*/ return new TextDecoder().decode(await p.output()); } async function gitCommits() { const resp = await runCommand([ "git", "--no-pager", "log", '--format=format:"%H;%cs"', "1ba66399e6989c038dc7d362d7bd2c7653a65512..origin/gh-pages", ]); return resp.split("\n").map((i) => { const [hash, date] = i.replace(new RegExp('^"(.+)"$'), "$1").split(";"); return { hash, date }; }).reverse(); } async function gitCommitFile(commit, file) { let out; try { out = await runCommand([ "git", "--no-pager", "show", `${commit.hash}:${file}`, ]); } catch (e) { return null; } return out; } function checkCol(col, d, current) { if (!d.json.spec[col] || !current.spec[col]) { return null; } for (const sp of d.json.spec[col]) { if (!current.spec[col].find((s) => === { if (!d[col].added) { d[col].added = []; } d[col].added.push({ id:, name: }); } } for (const sp of current.spec[col]) { if (!d.json.spec[col].find((s) => === { if (!d[col].removed) { d[col].removed = []; } d[col].removed.push({ id:, name: }); } } } async function generate(entry = "22") { const commits = await gitCommits(); const bundleFn = `${entry}/bundle.json`; const dates = {}; const basic = { json: { spec: {} } }; for (const col of Object.keys(cols)) { basic[col] = {}; basic.json.spec[col] = []; } dates["2022-01-01"] = basic; for (const commit of commits) { if (!dates[]) { const obj = { json: null }; for (const col of Object.keys(cols)) { obj[col] = {}; } dates[] = obj; } const file = await gitCommitFile(commit, bundleFn); if (!file) { continue; } dates[].json = JSON.parse(file); } // add today const today = format(new Date(), "yyyy-MM-dd"); if (!dates[today]) { const obj = { json: null }; for (const col of Object.keys(cols)) { obj[col] = {}; } dates[today] = obj; } dates[today].json = JSON.parse(await Deno.readTextFile(`dist/${bundleFn}`)); let current = null; const output = []; for (const date of Object.keys(dates)) { const d = dates[date]; if (current) { for (const col of Object.keys(cols)) { checkCol(col, d, current); } } current = d.json; const obj = { date }; for (const col of Object.keys(cols)) { obj[col] = d[col]; } output.push(obj); } const fn = `./dist/${entry}/changelog.json`; await Deno.writeTextFile(fn, JSON.stringify(output, null, 2)); console.log(`JSON writed to file: ${fn}`); const items = []; for (const d of output.reverse()) { const sitems = []; for (const col of Object.keys(cols)) { for (const type of Object.keys(types)) { const colitems = []; if (d[col][type]) { for (const i of d[col][type]) { colitems.push( `* ${types[type].title} [${}](${ cols[col].url }?id=${})`, ); } } if (colitems.length > 0) { sitems.push(`### ${cols[col].title}\n\n${colitems.join("\n")}\n`); } } } if (sitems.length > 0) { items.push( `## ${format(new Date(, "d.M.yyyy")}\n\n` + sitems.join("\n") + "\n", ); } } const md = `# Changelog\n\n${items.join("\n")}`; const fnMd = `./dist/${entry}/`; await Deno.writeTextFile(fnMd, md); console.log(`Markdown writed to file: ${fnMd}`); } generate();