
131 řádky
5.3 KiB

"speakers": [
"id": "bohdan-zubac",
"name": "Bohdan Zubač",
"caption": "Attorney at Law at PRK Partners",
"photoUrl": "",
"photo": "photos/speakers/bohdan-zubac.jpg"
"id": "dalibor-cerny",
"name": "Dalibor Černý",
"caption": "Legal Mind at Sparring",
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"country": "cz",
"photo": "photos/speakers/dalibor-cerny.png"
"id": "david-stancel",
"name": "David Stancel",
"caption": "Co-Founder at Blockchain Slovakia",
"twitter": "dave_stancel",
"linkedin": "davidstancel",
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"photo": "photos/speakers/david-stancel.jpeg"
"id": "fabio-alves-moura",
"name": "Fabio Alves Moura",
"caption": "Managing Partner at AMX Law",
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"photo": "photos/speakers/fabio-alves-moura.png"
"id": "francesco-paolo-patti",
"name": "Francesco Paolo Patti",
"caption": "Law Professor at the University Bocconi, Co-Founder at Blockchain Lawyers Group",
"twitter": "eaglelex_eth",
"linkedin": "francesco-paolo-patti-68b475113",
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"photo": "photos/speakers/francesco-paolo-patti.jpg"
"id": "frantisek-vinopal",
"name": "František Vinopal",
"caption": "Chairman of ČKMA, Chief Risk Officer at Coinmate and Confirmo",
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"country": "cz",
"photo": "photos/speakers/frantisek-vinopal.jpg"
"id": "jakub-tesar",
"name": "Jakub Tesař",
"caption": "Innovation & Emerging Tech Lead at EY",
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"photo": "photos/speakers/jakub-tesar.jpg"
"id": "michal-matejka",
"name": "Michal Matějka",
"caption": "Partner at PRK Partners, attorneys at law",
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"country": "cz",
"photo": "photos/speakers/michal-matejka.jpg"
"id": "ondrej-dusilek",
"name": "Ondřej Dusílek",
"caption": "CEO at Central Securities Depository Prague",
"twitter": "OndrejDusilek",
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"country": "cz",
"photo": "photos/speakers/ondrej-dusilek.jpg"
"id": "ondrej-kovarik",
"name": "Ondřej Kovařík",
"caption": "Member of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs at European Parliament",
"twitter": "OKovarikMEP",
"linkedin": "okovarikmep",
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"country": "cz",
"photo": "photos/speakers/ondrej-kovarik.jpg"
"id": "peter-kris",
"name": "Peter Kris",
"caption": "CEO at Mangata Finance",
"twitter": "upeterkris",
"linkedin": "peter-kris-a7274054",
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"photo": "photos/speakers/peter-kris.jpg"
"id": "peter-laubert",
"name": "Peter Laubert",
"caption": "Co-Founder at Blockmate",
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"photo": "photos/speakers/peter-laubert.jpg"
"id": "stepan-kouba",
"name": "Štěpán Kouba",
"caption": "Open Banking Leader at Česká Spořitelna",
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"country": "cz",
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"id": "tomas-olexa",
"name": "Tomáš Olexa",
"caption": "Head of the FinTech Team at Czech National Bank",
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"country": "cz",
"photo": "photos/speakers/tomas-olexa.jpg"