name = "Starknet Prague" #shortname = "" types = ["meetup"] status = "published" chains = [] org = "Starknet Foundation" dri = "" poc = "" date = "2023-06-08" days = 1 times = "18:00-21:00" venueName = "TBA" #venueAddress = "" #venueUrl = "" languages = ["english"] attendees = 100 tags = ["ethereum", "starknet", "scaling", "L2", "cairo"] description = ''' We're happy to host the second Starknet Prague meetup, this time with a special guest (TBD) directly from StarkWare, the creators of Starknet. Come and learn about validity rollups, L2s, L3s, Cairo lang and mingle with the local Starknet community. ''' logo = "logo.jpg" [links] #web = "" #twitter = "" telegram = "" #[registration] #type = "signup" #link = "" #status = "available" #button = "Register for free!"