name = "Urbit Meetup Prague" shortname = "Urbit Prague" types = ["meetup"] status = "published" chains = ["ethereum"] org = "" dri = "burningtree" poc = "[tree](" date = "2023-06-08" days = 1 times = "14:00-16:00" venues = ["loft-bubny"] languages = ["english"] attendees = 100 tags = ["network", "identity", "data", "community"] description = ''' Urbit is a new kind of computer that you can own completely in ways that matter: networking, identity, & data. ​We realized that in order to fix the internet, we had to build a new computer from scratch. Good thing we started over a decade ago. ​Today, Urbit is a real system with thousands of users that are building all kinds of communities, software, DAOs, and more. And it’s getting better every day. --- ​The meetup takes place as part of the [L2Loft]( initiative. ''' logo = "logo.png" [links] web = "" #twitter = "" telegram = "" [registration] type = "signup" link = "" status = "available" button = "Register for free!" [[speakers]] id = "owen-barnes"