--- description: 'Connect with like-minded friends within #PBW23' --- # 🫂 Event Unions {% hint style="danger" %} Event unions is a completely new concept - this experiment can still be cancelled at any time. {% endhint %} _Event unions_ are voluntary groups of individual #PBW23 events, based on some mutual proximity. They usually have a common goal, coordinated by a responsible person or organisation, which should bring additional benefits - both for the organisers and for the visitors themselves. ## Current unions (2) ### [GM Events](https://gm.events/) The best Ethereum, Web3 and DeFi events. Coordinated by [PWN](https://pwn.xyz/). ### [UTXO Events](https://utxo.events) Events for a wide local audience, mostly in Czech or Slovak language as a chain agnostic union. Coordinated by [UTXO Foundation](https://utxo.foundation/). ## Want to create your own event union? Anyone can create their own union! Please [contact us](contact-us.md). Soon you will be able to list your own union using our GitHub repository. ### Conditions for forming a new union 1. Consist of at least two events. 2. Have a responsible person(s) or organisation(s). 3. Events must agree with membership of the union. 4. Should support its events - materially, financially, etc.