# 🗓 Events {% hint style="info" %} These are just the major events, we are at the beginning and many other events are in the works. Expect many more to come. {% endhint %} ## Conferences & hackathons Confirmed events in chronological order:
UTXO.23Jun 2-4 | 1000+ ppl@utxopragueGeneral public 🇨🇿Z_fQwr0r_400x400.jpghttps://utxo.cz/
DotSama PragueJun 5-6 | 300+ ppl@DotsamaPraguePolkadotIxPKjuGi_400x400.jpghttps://dotsama-prague.xyz/
PrivacyETHJun 5 | 300+ ppl@PrivacyETHconfPrivacypFhXeSfp_400x400.jpg
IBC PragueJun 6 | 300+ ppl@IBCPragueCosmosCXJvfz1M_400x400.jpghttps://1url.cz/@IBCPrague
DeFi Summit PragueJun 6-8 | 600+ ppl@PragueDefiDeFi, Web3RRPxMhNd_400x400.jpg
Bitcoin Mining ConferenceJun 7@BTCMiningConfBitcoin mining9tVCIEt9_400x400.jpghttps://btcminingconf.com
BTCPragueJun 8-10 | 10,000+ ppl@BtcPragueBitcoin, Expo 🇬🇧🇨🇿 _MPAVIWE_400x400.jpghttps://www.btcprague.com/
ETHPragueJun 9-11 | 600+ ppl@EthPragueEthereum (hackathon)jjarAfvV_400x400.jpghttps://ethprague.com/
_\*Events are in_ :flag\_gb: _English language unless otherwise stated._ {% hint style="warning" %} **All of these events are independent and have their own organisers.** Prague Blockchain Week is just an independent initiative that connects and informs about these events ([Our mission](our-mission-and-team/)). If you want information about tickets, or to contact the organizers of a specific event - then contact them directly. {% endhint %} ## All events The complete list of all events (including planned): {% embed url="https://utxo-foundation.notion.site/fb1f9644ed04478695a59b9fa4f0656d?v=60d975ac09db4ca0a4cb1518ab08540f" %}