# đź“‹ Event Checklist Please [define your event](define-your-event.md) (purpose and audience) and your attendee target before going through this checklist. Please submit a proposal to [GitHub](https://github.com/utxo-foundation/pbw23) as soon as possible.
VENUE * [ ] Pick a date and time for event. * [ ] Determine the length of the event. * Build time in 1-4 hours for set up and breakdown depending on the size of your event. * [ ] Determine how many people you want to attend. * Be realistic since there are many events going on during Prague Blockchain Week. It is better to book a smaller venue and fill it than book a larger venue and have it feel empty. * [ ] Source and select a venue. Think co-working spaces, restaurants or spaces unique to Prague! * On the [Venue Options](venue-options.md) page you can find our recommended venues. TIP: Venues with one entrance/exit are always preferred for security reasons and full buy out is ideal so that you are not sharing the space with another event. If the venue is outdoors, make sure there is a contingency plan in case of bad weather.
BUDGETING * [ ] Create a budget for the various components of your event * [ ] Here’s a [sample template](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XPDScSQAWapuZVc6rBYt3QOpWkSZemM7dZiDuS1Jll4/edit#gid=1226365759) to help you get started * [ ] If you need financial assistance for your event, here are options you can consider: * [ ] TBA
REGISTRATION **Event website and/or registration links must be confirmed and added to the PBW23 website by Friday, May 19.** * [ ] Create a website and/or registration link. * Use [Lu.ma](http://lu.ma) to make them one and the same - it only takes 5 minutes! * You absolutely need this to collect attendee information, track sign ups, and send out reminders before your event and thank yours + recaps after your event. * [ ] Make sure your registration link has the following: * Event Date * Event Time * Event Location * Event Description * Collect full name and contact (email) at minimum but here are other suggestions to add: * Full Name\* * Email\* * Company * Job Title * Location (City, State) * And any additional information you wish to request that can help you make this a successful event! (E.g. social media handles, dietary restrictions) * Set up your ticket types * General Admission * VIP * [ ] Make sure to add the following to waive general liability: * [ ] Consent for Photos or Videos taken * You’re welcome to use the Media Release \[LINK TBD] and General Release \[LINK TBD] forms for PBW23 * [ ] “Health and Safety” language for Covid-19 * You’re welcome to use the [Covid-19 policy for PBW23](../attendees-guide/covid-19-policy.md) * [ ] Make sure you are GDPR compliant. Click [here](https://gdpr.eu/email-encryption/) to learn more. NOTE: When it’s open registration, the attrition rate (the number of people who show up vs the number of people who RSVP) is \~50%. Please make sure that you are prepared and account for people who may not show! Have a plan in place to collect information from on-site registration.
MARKETING * [ ] Now that you have all the information, it’s time to spread the word! Think emails, social media and blog posts. * [ ] Add your event to the PBW23 website by [creating a PR here](https://github.com/utxo-foundation/pbw23). * [ ] If you want additional help marketing your event, reach out PBW Team and [Contact Us](../contact-us.md). * [ ] For additional questions, take a look at [Resources, experts, and agencies](resources-experts-and-agencies.md). TIP: Create a list of core attendees who you want to be at your event and send personal invites to those people. Then ask them to bring a few friends and help you spread the word organically.
FOOD AND BEVERAGE * [ ] Food and libations are recommended! Please budget approximately $50-$100 per person in Prague. * [ ] Venues will either have an exclusive caterer or a list of preferred catering companies to share with you. Please work with your venue to secure a caterer. * [ ] Pick your food and beverage menu. Most venues will ask you to select your menu two weeks in advance. They will also ask for your final registration a week in advance – remember to not give them the total number of sign ups if your event is open registration. NOTE: Prague's drinking age is 18. If your event is open to anyone under 18, please make sure the venue or security is checking for ID.
PROGRAMMING AND BRANDING * [ ] Develop your content * [ ] Create a schedule * [ ] Recruit speakers * [ ] Protocol Labs has a list of partners that can help assist your team with content and editorial services. If you are interested, please reach out to: mosaia@protocol.ai * [ ] Order some of your swag for attendees * [ ] some recommended vendors for quick turnaround (US-based): * [Custom Ink](https://www.customink.com/) * [Sticker Mule](https://www.stickermule.com/) * [ ] Think of adding an “experience” to surprise guests and make it a memorable experience. Bonus points if you can incorporate local themes! The PBW23 Team will be dropping off PBW23 signs for each event affiliated with PBW. Only events on the PBW website will receive these signs, so please make sure your event gets added ASAP.
AUDIO VISUAL * [ ] Arrange audio visual that covers the requirements for your event. Venues will either have an exclusive vendor or a list of preferred companies that are familiar with the venue. * [ ] If you need help covering your AV needs, please [Contact Us](../contact-us.md) and have the following questions completed: * Do you have a schedule of the event? If so can you please share it? (rough or preliminary is ok) * How many people are you anticipating will attend the event? * Do you have a venue booked yet? * Who will be the point person on the ground for any questions or items that come up? * Do you need a livestream component? * Do you have any other special A/V needs? * We’ll be prepared to capture all video content on a single stage, and content coming from a computer or slide show to that stage. Typically presentations are shown via projector or large TV monitor
STAFFING * [ ] Put a team in place! Recruit colleagues, community advocates or hire temporary staff to help you but make sure you have the following: * [ ] Back up event captain * [ ] Check in staff * [ ] Ask venue if they enforce anything such as hiring security or rules such as tracking attendees. * this is usually only needed if you’re expecting more than 400 people. Some smaller venues may require it, so it’s good to double check. * [ ] Optional: * [ ] Security * [ ] Photographer (outside of AV vendor) * [ ] Videographer (outside of AV vendor) * [ ] Social Media content creator NOTE: The venue should have an event manager that helps you set up and coordinate. Make sure you get their contact information and that they will be there for set up. If no, ask who from the venue is the next best contact.
DAY OF EVENT * [ ] Create a checklist of items you need to go through when you arrive on site, along with a list of contacts (Catering, AV, Venue, etc.) * Leave yourself roughly an hour to go through it before your event. * [ ] Schedule your arrival time with the venue to do a walk through and start set up * [ ] Schedule rehearsals for speakers if you have a speaking component
POST EVENT * Please fill out the PBW23 Survey \[LINK TBD]. * We’d love to know your success! Make sure to share the final results of your event so PBW Team can review all the events that took place during PBW and how successful it was holistically. ### Optional * [ ] Send a survey to collect any information your team will find helpful to evaluate the success of the event * [ ] Send a thank you note to everyone who showed up! * [ ] Send a “we missed you!” to everyone who couldn’t make it with event information, pictures, etc. * [ ] Share any pictures from your event on social media * [ ] Create a post event survey to share with attendees. Think of any information that your team may find valuable to know and can use to improve your event for the next time