Petr Hotovec

Petr Hotovec

Cryptocurrency hedge fund manager and consultant

linkedin → petr-hotovec-2b1759a7

Petr Hotovec is the chief operating officer at the Investment Adviser. Petr worked in Prague, Czech Republic-based legal office Skils s.r.o. advokátní kancelář (former Weil, Gotshal & Manges) as a lawyer. Prior to that he worked as an analyst in the first Central European cryptocurrency fund – Kryptofond and at Allen & Overy in Prague as a paralegal. Petr specialised in M&A, corporate and finance law during his stay at Skils and Allen & Overy. Petr Hotovec holds a master’s degree in law and a bachelor's degree in economics and finance from the Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic.

Petr Hotovec is co-founder of Dromi Solutions, a blockchain consultancy agency.

Events (1)


June 2-4
1200 ppl
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Last update: about 22 hours ago (v2023.02.10-r0)  |  Analytics  |  pbw-explore 0.2.1  |  ID: petr-hotovec [speakers]  |