Prague DeFi Summit 2023

Prague DeFi Summit 2023

June 6-8, 2023
đź‘Ą 1000
🇬🇧 english

DuckTape/ParalelnĂ­ Polis

Point of contact

Steve Fau, Dan

web →
twitter → @PragueDefi
telegram → @PragueDeFi
discord →
Price >222 EUR

DeFi is under siege.

The industry has arrived at a point where it is no longer sufficient to just keep saying “let’s get back to building”. We risk losing a bankless future unless the community comes together and collaborates on an action plan. Does the plan involve collaborating with the legacy establishment, or is it centered around scorched-earth policy? What are the key pillars of the plan? The community needs to decide, the industry needs to take action.

For this purpose Prague DeFi Summit, and the event build-up, has been designed around community collaboration and idea iteration. The Summit, filled with presentations, panels, fireside chats and networking is going to culminate in a roundtable with elected DeFi representatives with the purpose of distilling the community feedback into a coherent action plan. Are we ready to seize the opportunity?


Tuesday - June 6, 2023

07:00 - 16:00
Prague DeFi Summit 2023
Prague DeFi
đź‘Ą 1000

Wednesday - June 7, 2023

07:00 - 16:00
Prague DeFi Summit 2023
Prague DeFi
đź‘Ą 1000

Thursday - June 8, 2023

07:00 - 16:00
Prague DeFi Summit 2023
Prague DeFi
đź‘Ą 1000

Speakers (8)

Radek Svarz


Rosco Kalis

Revoke Cash

Will Harborne

Rhino Fi

Anna George


Julien Bouteloup

Stake Capital Group

Venues (2)

For speakers

This event is looking for speakers. Submit a proposal.

For sponsors

This event is looking for sponsors in the 6k-96k EUR range. Check out their pitch deck.
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