Prague DeFi Summit 2023

Prague DeFi Summit 2023

June 6-8, 2023
đź‘Ą 1000
🇬🇧 english

DuckTape/ParalelnĂ­ Polis

Point of contact

Steve Fau, Dan

web →
twitter → @PragueDefi
telegram → @PragueDeFi
Price >222 EUR


Tuesday - June 6, 2023

07:00 - 16:00
Prague DeFi Summit 2023
Prague DeFi
đź‘Ą 1000

Wednesday - June 7, 2023

07:00 - 16:00
Prague DeFi Summit 2023
Prague DeFi
đź‘Ą 1000

Thursday - June 8, 2023

07:00 - 16:00
Prague DeFi Summit 2023
Prague DeFi
đź‘Ą 1000

Venues (2)

For speakers

This event is looking for speakers. Submit a proposal.

For sponsors

This event is looking for sponsors in the 6k-96k EUR range. Check out their pitch deck.
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