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As a writer she has published in egirlcapital, CoinDesk, Defiant, Wired and elsewhere under anonymous accounts. She believes privacy is necessary for communities to define their own destinies.\n" }, { "id": "nick-almond", "name": "Nick Almond", "nickname": "DrNick", "twitter": "DrNickA", "bio": "Building the next generation of DAOs with FactoryDAO", "roles": [ "speaker" ] }, { "id": "juraj-bednar", "name": "Juraj Bednar", "twitter": "jurbed", "bio": "Hacktrophy, Hackyourself.io", "roles": [ "speaker" ], "remote": true, "pretalxId": 47 }, { "id": "pavol-luptak", "name": "Pavol Luptak", "nickname": "wilder", "twitter": "wilderco", "bio": "Nethemba, Hacktrophy, liberation.travel", "roles": [ "speaker" ], "remote": true, "pretalxId": 5 }, { "id": "dcbuilder", "name": "dcbuilder.eth", "twitter": "DCbuild3r", "bio": "WorldCoin, devpill.me", "roles": [ "speaker", "advisor" ] }, { "id": "artem-vorotnikov", "name": "Artem Vorotnikov", "twitter": "vorot93", "bio": "Ethereum Core Developer, creator of Akula", "roles": [ "speaker" ], "remote": true }, { "id": "owen-barnes", "name": "Owen Barnes", "nickname": "temporalwave", "twitter": "temporalwave", "bio": "Independent freedom adviser", "roles": [ "speaker", "mentor" ], "pretalxId": 41 }, { "id": "william-mitsuda", "name": "Willian Mitsuda", "twitter": "wmitsuda", "bio": "Creator of Otterscan", "roles": [ "speaker" ], "remote": true, "pretalxId": 10 }, { "id": "vojtech-simetka", "name": "Vojtěch Šimetka", "twitter": "vojtechsimetka", "bio": "Blockchain for Humanity, Swarm, Giveth", "roles": [ "speaker", "mentor" ] }, { "id": "qedk", "name": "QEDK", "twitter": "qedk_", "bio": "Engineering @ Polygon, EthIndia alum, ex-Moonshot Collective", "roles": [ "speaker", "mentor" ], "pretalxId": 15 }, { "id": "radek-svarz", "name": "Radek Švarz", "twitter": "radk", "bio": "dCZK, Apus.finance", "roles": [ "speaker" ], "pretalxId": 2 }, { "id": "lauri-peltonen", "name": "Lauri Peltonen", "twitter": "lauripelto", "bio": "Ethereum & StarkNet @ Equilibrium", "roles": [ "speaker", "mentor" ], "pretalxId": 4 }, { "id": "jakub-jedlinsky", "name": "Jakub Jedlinský", "twitter": "Jakub_Jedlinsky", "bio": "Macroeconomist and analyst - Altlift.cz, lecturer at KMEV VŠE", "roles": [ "speaker" ], "pretalxId": 21 }, { "id": "steffen-kux", "name": "Steffen Kux", "twitter": "steffenkux", "bio": "Co-founder, researcher, and developer at corpus.ventures", "roles": [ "speaker" ], "pretalxId": 17 }, { "id": "max-hampshire", "name": "Max Hampshire", "nickname": "Mx", "twitter": "_wjth", "bio": "Developer Relations for Nym, previously a smart contract developer and researcher", "roles": [ "speaker" ], "pretalxId": 11 }, { "id": "danish-shabbir", "name": "Danish Shabbir", "twitter": "fullyfuzuli", "bio": "Privacy researcher and a fiction writer", "roles": [ "speaker" ], "pretalxId": 12 }, { "id": "jan-zibner", "name": "Jan Zibner", "link": "https://www.artiffine.com/team/jan-zibner", "bio": "Lawyer specialising in intellectual property law and digital trends @ Artiffine", "roles": [ "speaker" ], "pretalxId": 22 }, { "id": "dhadrien", "name": "dhadrien", "twitter": "dhadrien_", "bio": "Founder of Sismo / ZK, Privacy, Decentralization and History", "remote": true, "roles": [ "speaker" ], "pretalxId": 25 }, { "id": "chris-blec", "name": "Chris Blec", "twitter": "ChrisBlec", "bio": "The intersection of Bitcoin, DeFi and Liberty || MakerDAO delegate", "remote": true, "roles": [ "speaker" ], "pretalxId": 38 }, { "id": "six", "name": "six", "link": "https://cryptoctf.org/", "bio": "CCTF founder", "roles": [ "speaker", "judge" ], "pretalxId": 6 }, { "id": "nikete", "name": "mikete", "twitter": "nikete", "bio": "Curiosity driven. 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